Digging in garden pulling weeds Cat comes out to see what I'm doing Cat digs hole too Cat peels off mean shit in hole next to me, with huge grimace on it's face :-w
No confidence issues, other than the fact that I'm confident I'm bigger than you, by a longshot. And that's pretty sad if you've been going to the gym way longer than me.
That reminds me, either the 26th or 27th was officially a year since fitness became a staple in my life. A year of non-stop training and dedication, wit what? Only 3-4 1 week breaks every 3 or so months just to recover and prevent overtraining. Feels fucking fantastic. And many more years to come, until I die.
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
See, you just clearly don't understand what I'm trying to tell you. People have different motivations for going to the gym. I haven't been going to the gym to get insane muscle mass because that's not what I want. I'm sure LiveFree either has different motivations or isn't as consumed by the gym as you are, so he thinks Planet Fitness is just A-Okay.
But the real thing is that you post here about your workouts just as religiously, if not moreso, than you go to the gym. That's sad, not the fact that I haven't achieved your workout goal.
Ohhh, I get it, so posting every time you smoke (Not you specifically.) and saying how baked you are 24/7 like the burnout you are, or posting how drunk you are everyday like the alkie you are, is "A-Okay", but updating about something healthy that takes dedication, that's sad. Aight, got it. Lemme add that to my 'Murica checklist.
i like how eriklildikk getz into a fad and immediatley heez a fukkin expert in the fields
>Is an expert. >Openly asks for advice/tips from others in my lifting thread. >Aight.
I'm not an expert, but considering so much of my life is dedicated to this shit, I sure as FUCK know more than any faggot that's talking shit right now.
Sure you do. Unless it's just simply running on the treadmill, 'cause I dwarf you, not just height either.
Cat comes out to see what I'm doing
Cat digs hole too
Cat peels off mean shit in hole next to me, with huge grimace on it's face
But the real thing is that you post here about your workouts just as religiously, if not moreso, than you go to the gym. That's sad, not the fact that I haven't achieved your workout goal.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
>Is an expert.
>Openly asks for advice/tips from others in my lifting thread.
I'm not an expert, but considering so much of my life is dedicated to this shit, I sure as FUCK know more than any faggot that's talking shit right now.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Yes, and I have before, on this very forum at that. I ain't wrong about this shit doe. Y'all just love talking a whole lot of shit.
>I "proved" you wrong.