Sorry faggot, everyone looks down on Planet Fitness. Not just me. Place is a fucking joke. I'll pay $3 extra a month for a REAL gym without stupid ass rules, a lunk alarm ( ) ) and a gym that doesn't encourage fatfucks by giving them pizza.
Seriously, there's the 3 big lifts that are basically a necessity in any good lifting routine, and Planet Fitness banned 2 of them. Fuck that huff ass "gym".
So no one is allowed to eat pizza at all if they're going to any gym? I would be happy people want to work out and actually get up and go to any gym at all. Anything is better than nothing even if it isn't to your standards
Sorry faggot, everyone looks down on Planet Fitness. Not just me. Place is a fucking joke. I'll pay $3 extra a month for a REAL gym without stupid ass rules, a lunk alarm ( ) ) and a gym that doesn't encourage fatfucks by giving them pizza.
Seriously, there's the 3 big lifts that are basically a necessity in any good lifting routine, and Planet Fitness banned 2 of them. Fuck that huff ass "gym".
Really? You'll pay? Cause I bet your mommy pays for you to goto your "real gym".
Planet Fitness is gym enough for some people. Chuck mentioned his elliptical broke and oh boy does PF have plenty of those. He said nothing about lifting.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
Lol Aww I hurt the Planet Fitness faggot's feelings. ) Your gym is a fucking joke my nigga. Get over it. It wasn't personally directed at you, but go 'head and take it like that if you want to. Every lifting, fitness, bodybuilding, etc. forum I go on, your joke of a gym is the ass end of every meme and running joke. That's for a fucking reason and says something. I'm not a standalone "tool" who is the only one wit this opinion. Planet Fitness calling itself a gym is like McDonald's calling itself 5 star fine dining.
Also, tfw a bunch of non-lifting faggots and faggots who never stepped a single foot into any fitness oriented building get salty at me and act like they have an ounce of knowledge about anything fitness related when I talk shit about a certain gym.
You especially, Leah. You never even leave the house, let alone leave the house to go to a gym, a place where you *gasp* ACTUALLY HAVE TO PUT IN EFFORT! I know that's foreign to you, but don't sit here and for even a second act like you know what the fuck you're talking about. Inb4 "Yea I'm such a dumb slut, time for another load. Who's next boys?!?". Stop gargling cum and start gargling bleach.
Seriously, there's the 3 big lifts that are basically a necessity in any good lifting routine, and Planet Fitness banned 2 of them. Fuck that huff ass "gym".
Inb4stfucunt, drinkbleach
Planet Fitness is gym enough for some people. Chuck mentioned his elliptical broke and oh boy does PF have plenty of those. He said nothing about lifting.
Still not a real gym. "Gym enough for SOME people." Isn't a real gym. Gym enough for all fitness goals is a real gym.
Where do you work?
For the record... I ain't your nigga, wigga.
You especially, Leah. You never even leave the house, let alone leave the house to go to a gym, a place where you *gasp* ACTUALLY HAVE TO PUT IN EFFORT! I know that's foreign to you, but don't sit here and for even a second act like you know what the fuck you're talking about. Inb4 "Yea I'm such a dumb slut, time for another load. Who's next boys?!?". Stop gargling cum and start gargling bleach.
Try it just once. It feels great.