They haven't released anything lately, which is seriously disappointing paired with the fact that they have almost no involvement presently with fan communication or social media. No news from Relapse or any news in general for years. That being said, I'm surprised they're still signed.
Avatar is playing a local fucking bar show in Green Bay, but it is the night before I have to go down state for the state hockey tourney so there is no way I can go.
I am so fucking sick of friends dying. Screw this day
I was hearing for a while that he shot himself. Then I heard the cops were investigating. Now our local news station is saying they're investigating it as a homicide. So pissed off right now and shit
It feels like a family member died today because he was a part of my haunted house crew I worked with for years. I'm horrible with birthdays and ages but I'm pretty sure he was just 30 years old
i dont want to go to work tomorrow. russians bought the company and the fired all illegal mexicans, wich was about a third of the staff, and included my mexican girlfriend. now i have a new mexican girlfriend, and she's a total stick in the mud =(
MetalSSlayerPosts: 6,164destroyer of motherfuckers
I feel like shit this morning. My head is pounding, my back is killing me, my knee is still fucked up from Monday and I feel like I'm going to puke. Again.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Had a brutal final and a term paper today. Coming into the final I had a 95% in the class with the final being worth only 30% of my total grade. Im really hoping I dont get a C. I really failed it badly. however I think lots of others did as well.
also broke my glasses
They haven't released anything lately, which is seriously disappointing paired with the fact that they have almost no involvement presently with fan communication or social media. No news from Relapse or any news in general for years. That being said, I'm surprised they're still signed.
Thanks >:D<
Its 132, bitch