Fuck that stupid fucking Zoosk commercial that plays before every youtube video, it's like ten times louder than the actual video. Every time I click on a vid with ads LIZ, MEET BRAD
Fuck that stupid fucking Zoosk commercial that plays before every youtube video, it's like ten times louder than the actual video. Every time I click on a vid with ads LIZ, MEET BRAD
DO you use Firefox? I have a complete solution if so.
Fuck that stupid fucking Zoosk commercial that plays before every youtube video, it's like ten times louder than the actual video. Every time I click on a vid with ads LIZ, MEET BRAD
Chrome - Add Blocker... never look at an add on the internet again.
Fuck that stupid fucking Zoosk commercial that plays before every youtube video, it's like ten times louder than the actual video. Every time I click on a vid with ads LIZ, MEET BRAD
DO you use Firefox? I have a complete solution if so.
Yezzir, you've captured my interest
inb4 inbox social security number
Fuck that stupid fucking Zoosk commercial that plays before every youtube video, it's like ten times louder than the actual video. Every time I click on a vid with ads LIZ, MEET BRAD
DO you use Firefox? I have a complete solution if so.
Yezzir, you've captured my interest
inb4 inbox social security number
1. Add-ons 2. Adblock Plus 2.2.3 3. ??? 4. Nigerian Prince
technically ads are personalized to what you look at on the internet. :-?
Are youtube ones though? I know facebook and such are because they're usually for zzounds or American Musical Supply
yep, the majority of ads are powered by google. without your knowing, most ads are tailored to you know. it goes beyond that as well. simple searches on google are personalized now as well.
for instance, two people can google "Egypt", and based on what else they've searched before, ads they've clicked on, and things they've liked on facebook, ect one person will get results all about the political turmoil in Egypt, while another person will get info on traveling to Egypt.
The internet is now tailored so that we see only what we "want" to see.
inb4 inbox social security number
2. Adblock Plus 2.2.3
3. ???
4. Nigerian Prince
for instance, two people can google "Egypt", and based on what else they've searched before, ads they've clicked on, and things they've liked on facebook, ect one person will get results all about the political turmoil in Egypt, while another person will get info on traveling to Egypt.
The internet is now tailored so that we see only what we "want" to see.
EDIT: Meh, I'll just deal with the ads. Support your local youtube channel