>Female wants me to come over. >It's Valentine's Day, meaning it'd most likely lead to dat gushy gushy wet wet. >She 20 miles away. >No way to get there and back. >Fuark.
Got called for my band to play at the Congress Theater, but its during the week before I return for Summer Break, so I had to turn down that show....
At least the person said they'd call me again if they got another one.
Evolution Music Fest I imagine? Don't waste your time
It's a stupid scam to get people to sell a bunch of tickets to play a really shitty show for friends of bands. It's not about playing good venues, it's about playing good shows with good bands.
Got called for my band to play at the Congress Theater, but its during the week before I return for Summer Break, so I had to turn down that show....
At least the person said they'd call me again if they got another one.
Evolution Music Fest I imagine? Don't waste your time
It's a stupid scam to get people to sell a bunch of tickets to play a really shitty show for friends of bands. It's not about playing good venues, it's about playing good shows with good bands.
yea, I know. At this point any show is good though lol. I have no idea who was behind it, or for what event it was.
At least we have a show at Reggies coming up March 30th. I don't know who's playing with us there yet though. Gorilla Music has been pretty cool to work with.
When you tell someone you've been friends with since 2002 you'd never go out with them because it'd be weird and their reply is "well that's really shitty" 8-} b-(
i think it woulda went better had you just said you weren't interested :-?? IMO it kinda sounds weird when you tell him your reason is because "it'd be awkward"
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
When you tell someone you've been friends with since 2002 you'd never go out with them because it'd be weird and their reply is "well that's really shitty" 8-} b-(
i think it woulda went better had you just said you weren't interested :-?? IMO it kinda sounds weird when you tell him your reason is because "it'd be awkward"
When you tell someone you've been friends with since 2002 you'd never go out with them because it'd be weird and their reply is "well that's really shitty" 8-} b-(
i think it woulda went better had you just said you weren't interested :-?? IMO it kinda sounds weird when you tell him your reason is because "it'd be awkward"
He needs to take the hint. Period.
Some people are clueless when it comes to taking hints though. It's usually just better to flat out tell someone how it is. Honesty and direct communication can go a long way and in the long run would do him more good than just using an excuse like it being awkward. If he thinks he can somehow make it less awkward, or prove it won't be, then may still think he has a shot.
Gotta go down by Ann Arbor (Canton, Mi) for the state championship hockey tourney. The hotel we were going to stay at had decent rates, but we just found out that they don't have an indoor pool. It's going to cost double to somewhere that does. Damn trip has already cost over grand, and we don't even leave till the 28th.
When you tell someone you've been friends with since 2002 you'd never go out with them because it'd be weird and their reply is "well that's really shitty" 8-} b-(
i think it woulda went better had you just said you weren't interested :-?? IMO it kinda sounds weird when you tell him your reason is because "it'd be awkward"
He needs to take the hint. Period.
Some people are clueless when it comes to taking hints though. It's usually just better to flat out tell someone how it is. Honesty and direct communication can go a long way and in the long run would do him more good than just using an excuse like it being awkward. If he thinks he can somehow make it less awkward, or prove it won't be, then may still think he has a shot.
I told him straight up no years ago. I now have to get creative and hope that will be the last time he tries. I've always seen him as just a friend and that will never change. He's one of my closer friends too so when he throws those questions out there it's really awkward for me
>It's Valentine's Day, meaning it'd most likely lead to dat gushy gushy wet wet.
>She 20 miles away.
>No way to get there and back.
It's a stupid scam to get people to sell a bunch of tickets to play a really shitty show for friends of bands. It's not about playing good venues, it's about playing good shows with good bands.
At least we have a show at Reggies coming up March 30th. I don't know who's playing with us there yet though. Gorilla Music has been pretty cool to work with.
IMO it kinda sounds weird when you tell him your reason is because "it'd be awkward"