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Detroit Michigan Mayhem.



  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers
    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited July 2012

    oh he pleases me :>

    yeah, with shitty sammichez and crappy beerz
    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,799 spicy boy

    oh he pleases me :>

    video or false
  • TiradesOfTruthTiradesOfTruth Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers


  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers


    you gonna pack the luggage into the trunk :-? :-?
    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers
    :-< :-<

    see if i ever grab your tush again [-(
    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers
    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies


    Fine, don't's for adults only

    image Photobucket
  • TiradesOfTruthTiradesOfTruth Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    edited July 2012
    Eddit: hang on
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    In the parking lot, I met up with my friends Elliot, Dayna, Brando, and Brad and his sister Haley and one of her friends. Our friend Drew was there, but he was already in line, and nobody could find him the whole day. We talked to him on the phone, but nobody saw or heard from him again for the rest of the day. After changing into a pair of Tripp shorts I bought from Dayna, we noticed that the line was already stretching back obnoxiously far all the way back out to the parking lot and beyond, so we decided to walk up and try to find Drew. We met Mikey and Mike2 on the way up. We couldn't find Drew, but we just kind of merged into the line and nobody cared.

    When we got it, Brad and Dayna had to go take care of some stuff, so the day was kind of scattered all over the place. When we got in, the replacement for High On Fire was playing on the Jager stage (who I don't care to remember the name of), so we all just went to the Rockstar tent and drank up to wait for Whitechapel.

    I was planning on watching Dirtfedd, but decided against it. For some reason, I just didn't feel like watching them. Plus, the Sumerian Records stage was embarrassing. It wasn't even a stage, it was a TENT. What a joke!

    Whitechapel - I'm not quite sure where Brando ended up for this, so it was just me and Elliot standing in the back for a while. Whitechapel is a band that I'm not even that big a fan of, I just wanted to watch them for the sake of watching a band. When they played Mayhem a couple years ago, they cost me the chance of meeting Nergal from Behemoth, but that's another story. I used to like them, but not that much anymore. They did all right, I guess, but breakdowns can only get you so far. 5/10

    After Whitechapel, I didn't have anywhere else I needed to be until Anthrax, so I decided to check what the deal was with the Slipknot signing. Me and Elliot saw Jacob, so we were hanging out with him for a while. After more decision making, Jacob left to meet up with Brad and Elliot kind of vanished. Turns out, Corey Taylor wasn't doing a solo signing that day, but I could buy the Slipknot greatest hits album Satellites to Hell in order to meet other band members. I didn't want to do this, because I didn't want to pay $20 for a CD with songs I already own. Except for 9.0 Live, I have the entire slipknot discography. So, against my better judgement, I bought the damn CD. Almost two hours later, I was standing in line with my ticket stub and my tour program and CD to get signed, but the security assholes at the front made everybody put their stuff back in their pockets, because the selected members were only gonna be signing posters at the front. That SUCKED. Plus, they were all wearing almost identical masks, so I couldn't really tell who was actually signing, and the line moved so fast that I didn't have time to shake any hands or anything! I had to wait until I was OUT of line to see who signed my poster. Corey, Chris, and Clown all signed it. That's great and all, but it's really shitty how it all worked out. I felt a bit ripped off. But at least I got a free poster.

    Anthrax - Anthrax kicked ass. Their performance was tight, the vocals were clear, and the instruments were loud, but not overpowering. I'm so glad these guys got a side stage on our date, because it just wouldn't have been the same on the main stage. I even went crowd surfing with the CD in my pocket and it didn't even crack! After the show, I was standing on the rail to see if I could get a pick or a setlist or something from one of the stage hands, and I was standing next to this older (and rather burnt out) looking metal chick who had flashed her boobs out of her bikini top at Scott Ian during the show. She had to be in her forties at least, but I'm not sure. So I'm standing next to this chick on the rail, and the guy is handing a setlist off in my general direction, and this bitch slaps my hand out of the way and starts yelling at me. I don't remember exactly what she said, but it was something like, "What the fuck are you doing? Are you serious? *blah blah blah* GET SOME MORE STD'S AND THEN CALL ME!" She grabbed the setlist and then walked off. I could only say, "Wow". The other stragglers there were just like, "What a bitch!" and things like that. But I still got a setlist anyway.


    After Anthrax, I met back up with Brad and Dayna. As I Lay Dying was playing, but I wasn't that interested in seeing them, especially on the main stage. I heard their Mayhem set wasn't that great anyway, and they are kind of a hit-and-miss band with me. We all decided to go get water instead before regrouping.

    Motorhead - Motorhead suffered the same problems that Megadeth did when they played Mayhem: I could barely hear Lemmy over the guitars at all. Not like I can really understand what that guy says anyway. I couldn't really tell the difference between most songs, so I just sat down and kind of curled up into a sitting fetal position, since I was wrecked from Anthrax still. Unfortunately, this left me at Brad's mercy for a while, but I stood up during Ace of Spades. They were just kind of "meh" for me, but I won't deny that they played well. 6/10.

    Slayer -Slayer was awesome! I thought it would be interesting to see how they did without Jeff, and I am happy to report that they did just as well. I actually think this time was a little bit better than last time, because good ol' Tom actually had a small amount of crowd interaction this time. For me, even a little bit makes a difference. I remember there was this one part where they were changing guitars, and I screamed out "DEAD SKIN MASK!" and then a couple seconds later, they played it! I don't know if it was luck, or a crazy coincidence, or what, but it was still awesome! I was saving most of my energy for Slipknot, but I let completely loose during Raining Blood. When I stood up, everybody was looking at me kinda weird, but oh well. Slayer did great. 9/10.

    Slipknot - Oh man, Oh Boy. Slipknot was the band to make the festival all worth it. My third time seeing them, of course, and they did not disappoint in the slightest. I knew the words to every song by heart, and screamed them all as loud as my beaten body would allow. It was nice surprise to see Slipknot play Vermillion, and it was also great that I finally have the ability to know Spit It Out word-for-word AND have the ability to keep up with the speed of it. That song has been my anthem for the last year or so, and it was awesome to see Jump The Fuck Up done again. I remember how awesome that was when they did that at the Palace a few years ago. Needless to say, everything about the performance was incredible, and honestly, watching them this time was an almost religious experience. A well-deserved 10/10 is what Slipknot gets.

    Another year of Mayhem come and gone. Bring on 2013, provided the lineup has more than three good bands.

    Dear Drew: Where were you? We waited and waited, but finally decided that you were probably hungover in a ditch somewhere.

    -Sincerely, Everybody.

    PS: I brought back the Rockstar Shower this year.
  • TiradesOfTruthTiradesOfTruth Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Fuck it might as well post my review in here as well in case someone missed it.

    Mayhem Fest - Detroit, Mi - July 22nd, 2012

    I arrive at Dte around noon and I call up Will and he says he is looking for Brad and Dayna so I start walking looking for them. End up spotting Will from two rows over and find Brad, Dayna, Will, and Elliot where we chilled for a while. This guy next to their car kept coming over and spewing random shit and at the end he kept offering me Crown Royal. So he then spots me drinking from another bottle and insists me drink some Crown Royal it twas good shit. After that its about time we should head to the gates after a couple minor setbacks we started making our way up to the gate where Drew was somewhere in line. By this time the line was stretching past where we were parked. I was thinking oh shit this in gonna be awhile after not being able to get a hold of Drew we found this opening and made our way into it. Anyways we end up making it into Dte with only missing the local Jager opener and half of Betraying The Martyrs. Picked up a Whitechapel shirt and their new cd. Will, Elliot and I chilled in the Rockstar tent until Betraying The Martyrs were done(they fucking sucked btw). We made out way up for a good spot for Whitechapel.

    Whitechapel- The first band I was excited for in the day and I was not disappointed. Right when they started the pit opened up in front of us and I got separated from Will and Elliot. i just stayed where I was which was a good spot. Whitechapel came out and opened with Possession which in my opinion is a great opener. The moved right into The Darkest Day Of Man which was fucking heavy live. after that they played This Is Exile which they finally stopped closing with it which was refreshing. At this point it was time for Whitechapel to do their wall of death I figured why the not. I chose the right side and right when I hit the dude it front up me bounced me right into the third row which I stayed for the rest of the show. They chose I, Dementia for the wall of death which just sounded kind of strange but whatever. They then played Section 8 and closed with Possibilities Of An Impossible Existence which I thought was the best song of the set. Only thing that bothered me was nothing from The Somatic Defilement but it was all goo. 8.5/10

    After Whitechapel I grouped back up with Will and Elliot and Will decided he wanted to buy the Slipknot cd to meet them. Elliot got some water and I went to get some Rockstar. After drinking some Rockstar I spent the whole time during Asking Alexandria looking for someone I knew and flipping off Asking Alexandria. Also I was walking past the Metal Blade tent and the guy have me a bag to carry my stuff in which was cool. Ended up talking one of my teachers it was weird as fuck seeing her outside of school. But anyways picked up a AILD shirt and ended seeing Jay, Mikey, and Elliot they said they were going to the med tent to see what was up. After we found out everything was alright we decided we wanted to get a good spot for Anthrax though this meant we had to watch The Devil Wears Prada.

    The Devil Wears Prada- Shit...Nothing really else to say they might have been slightly better than Asking Alexandria but not by much. It felt like they played forever. 4/10

    Anthrax- Best side stage band of the day in my opinion. Opened up with Caught In A Mosh and the crowd loved it as did I. Went right into Got The Time which sounded fantastic live. Now I'm not that familiar with the new album but the one song they played from it sounded good. They went right back into it with Antisocial and Indians where they tried to combine the two pits where we were right in between of. I'm not sure if they succeeded because I ended up right on the side of the main pit and I made my way back to the group. After that they played I Am The Law and closed with Madhouse. Great set and I hope I can catch them with Testament and Death Angel in September. 9/10
    Caught In A Mosh
    Got The Time
    Fight 'Em Till You Can't
    I Am The Law

    At this point I felt hella tired from the sun beating down on me for the past few hours so few a couple hours I was really out of it. We met up on the hill with Brad and Dayna and here comes Will with a Anthrax set and dumps a Rockstar all over his head. We get a group picture which looks like I'm staring out into space. Also because I was in need of water I chose to go with Brad, Dayna, Will and Brad's sister and friend to get some water so I didn't watch As I Lay Dying oh well I am sure I will see them again. After walking around Dte and losing Brad's sister and friend we found them and made our way back to the group for Motorhead

    Motorhead- I was still kind of it but Motorhead was very good. I have seen them once before and from what I recall it was pretty much the same everything minus the set. I enjoyed myself though and would probably catch them again. 7/10
    Damage Case
    I Know How To Die
    Over The Top
    Stay Clean
    The Chase Is Better Than The Catch
    Going To Brazil
    Drum Solo
    Killed By Death
    Ace Of Spades

    Finally start feeling better and I was so fucking ready for Slayer.

    Slayer- Great the best band of the day. They opened with Disciple which was a lot better of an opener than World Painted Blood. Went into War Ensemble, Die By The Sword, and Hate Worldwide. They played Mandatory Suicide which I couldn't hold it in and went crazy. Then which was probably one of the best song selections they put into the set they played Altar Of Sacrifice and Jesus Saves which were phenomenal to hear live. Then my favorite Slayer song live came up it was Seasons In The Abyss I just love that song so much and it sounded great again. They went into Hell Awaits and then Dead Skin Mask. Then Angel Of Death all I can say about that song in dat scream it is second to none. Closed the set with South Of Heaven and Raining Blood and during Raining Blood it looked like Will was having a fucking seizure and I had to catch him to keep from falling it was so fucking funny. On a side note they had the weakest Slayer pits I have seen to date at this show oh well. 9.5/10
    *Order may be off*
    War Ensemble
    Die By The Sword
    Mandatory Suicide
    Dead Skin Mask
    Seasons In the Abyss
    Hell Awaits
    Altar Of Sacrifice
    South Of Heaven
    Angel Of Death
    Raining Blood

    Chatted with the group before I said goodbye to find my original group where I found one of my friends all fucked up and I asked him what happened he said he called some dude with a White Power tattoo a dumb fuck racist and proceeded to get his ass beat. It was all good though he told me. I told that was probably the dumbest fucking thing he could've done he didn't care. Anyways now onto Slipknot.

    Slipknot- I have always like Slipknot to a certain extent I wouldn't say I am a maggot by any means but I do enjoy them. By the judging of the crowd it was gonna be a good show. They came out into (sic) and that sounded damn good live. Went right into Eyeless and Sulfur. Corey started talking to us and this was the first I had heard that Detroit sold out so that was cool. I asked one of the employes after the show and he said they sold out at about noon but back to the show. Slipknot then played Wait And Bleed and holy fuck the crowd was loud lol. They played Before I Forget and I don't recall them but my friend told me they play Disasterpieces which I don't remember them playing. They played Gently which was pretty good. Vermillion sounded fucking awesome. Then my favorite song from Slipknot as Corey entitles it "This song is called The Heretic Anthem". They played Psychosocial which was probably my least favorite of the set but it was still pretty good. They then played Duality which is always good. They closed the show Spit It Out, People=Shit, and Surfacing. Very good set and good to see them back in the game. 9/10

    A very interesting Mayhem to say the least but a very fun one. I can't wait to do it again and hang with all the forum peeps again.

  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    Sweet shit! Thanks for posting the sets too.
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    edited July 2012
    1. Yes, I DID bring back the Rockstar Shower this year!

    2. Yes, It must have looked like I was having a seizure X) Everyone was looking at me weird.

    3. I saw a bunch of nazi skinheads that day. But that fight you're talking about, is that the video you posted earlier in this thread?

    4. Yes, They played Disasterpiece.
  • TiradesOfTruthTiradesOfTruth Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers
    No that wasn't it he said it was just him and that guy before AILD until some other guys broke it up. Dude got his nose broken.
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    At will-

    Anthrax played side stage every date you would know this if you would read.

    Slayer did not play dead skin mask just because you yelled it.

    Tits > you

    As I lay dying > you

    Tripp pants are lame

    Way to waste 20 bucks
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    edited July 2012
    I'm not saying they played it because I yelled it <_> I said it was a cool coincidence.

    I KNOW that Anthrax doesn't play the side stage on every date <_>

    As I lay Dying > Hit and Miss

    Tripp pants are fucking awesome.

    I know. But not entirely. It's gonna be a birthday present to my sister.

    _I_ -_- _I_

  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    You're an idiot I said anthrax does play side stage every day
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,799 spicy boy
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    Listen to me, you asshole ginger.

    I've never given you any reason to be a dick towards me, and yet you constantly give me shit for no reason. I'm sick of it, so back off me.
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