we need a revival of good horror movies. All the ones these days are decent or sucky, cuz all the new horror movies are are gore, n sex...lame (not that gore is bad, but they need good story and horror sequences to compliment the gore)
yea, i mean i love the gore. but when its JUST gore, its laame.
the best horror movies though, are Psycological Horrors. the kind of movies that arent THAT scary, but they mess with your mind. So when your not watching the movie, your mind "sees things" and freaks itself/urself out.
"A sequal is not needed" [2]
the best horror movies though, are Psycological Horrors. the kind of movies that arent THAT scary, but they mess with your mind. So when your not watching the movie, your mind "sees things" and freaks itself/urself out.
for the lolz
That's why the originals are much better.