So I was listening to Death live earlier...and I thought "Hey I should start a thread for best opening songs" and then I thought "Oh yeah I'm pretty sure there already is one"
So then I found it.. anyway, The Philosopher - Death
I think that's why some people left. You had a portion of the forum growing and getting into more advanced music, then you had another group that'll still be listening the Shitknot when they're 50. The former pretty much populates the forum now with a couple of exceptions
I think that's why some people left. You had a portion of the forum growing and getting into more advanced music, then you had another group that'll still be listening the Shitknot when they're 50. The former pretty much populates the forum now with a couple of exceptions
or maybe bianca had wine, britt, gnomez, lea, and jay around her dick. lord only knows how she pulled that off
So then I found it..
The Philosopher - Death
You've come a long way