I listen to everything but there are some bands my opinion will not change on and strongly dislike for various reasons and if pressed I will resort to crushing your feeble little mind.
Anyway those bands are
emmure five finger death punch disturbed.
There are others but I hope the right to type in caps at you with exclamation points for liking these bands "music"
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Her boobs are the size of my ass. but speaking of boobs. Will. Sunday, at your house, your Mom was cracking me back and stretching me out, and she totally commented on my ass and grabbed my boob on accident. mark laughed and made me want to slit my wrists.
I like one of SS's songs. and i dont know who the hell BMTH is, and I like some of Disturbedd.
JfaC is nice. just got into them. i've already mentioned Tool, but they're not really Metal. Slipknot is badass. I can thank Ben for that, Will. I like mudvayne. killswitch engageee. hellyeah. I LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE GOJIRA. i lied. gojira can totally kick FFDP's ass. Godsmackkkk. Sully Erna makes me orgasm whenever i look at him. I like some Dope.
now i know where Will gets his third rate insults from
I dont believe I have ever used any insults like that at. Ever.
im going to call you Cassandra
Cassandra is a faggot ass name. the hell you callin' me that for? Call me Phillis or somethin'.
who the fuck is . Ever.
Anyway those bands are
five finger death punch
There are others but I hope the right to type in caps at you with exclamation points for liking these bands "music"
Will. Sunday, at your house, your Mom was cracking me back and stretching me out, and she totally commented on my ass and grabbed my boob on accident. mark laughed and made me want to slit my wrists.
Shes not my girlfriend. But dont think just cause shes NOT my girlfriend means you can hit on her over the webz.
EDIT: NOT the cool guy fixing our forum. You are awesome.
attack attack
mychildren mybride
veil of mya
enter shakari
i have a new friend on here!!!!
i finished burned like a week ago
great series.
will that was my favorite character to play as before SC4 came out with amy and that one chick with the circle sword thingy
JfaC is nice. just got into them. i've already mentioned Tool, but they're not really Metal. Slipknot is badass. I can thank Ben for that, Will. I like mudvayne. killswitch engageee. hellyeah. I LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE GOJIRA. i lied. gojira can totally kick FFDP's ass. Godsmackkkk. Sully Erna makes me orgasm whenever i look at him. I like some Dope.
And those are just some of my liked bands.
I got it covered. No, the guy fixing our forum is awesome.