I'm not Will's girlfriend. But knowing him since 6th grade has made him my best friend.
And that is -your- opinion. -MY- opinion is, Five Finger Death Punch can devour any band thrown its way, as long as it's in the same genre as them. I consider them, plain metal. not death or black metal. just metal.
I know, ass jockey is really lame. i heard it today and it cracked me up. and speaking of cannibis, i was called an ass jockey today for laughing at my friend when he couldn't smoke his weed right and i made fun of him for it. Ha.
And that is -your- opinion. -MY- opinion is, Five Finger Death Punch can devour any band thrown its way, as long as it's in the same genre as them. I consider them, plain metal. not death or black metal. just metal.
Brian? don't hit on girls on the internet
My apologies for not being so specific, ass jockey.
now i know where Will gets his third rate insults from
whatever genre they're considered, i still think they're badass as fuck.
second of all WHATCHU READIN?!
or the southern vampire series?