1. Getting my fingernail ripped off from a slam door when i was 4 2. Getting an Ingrown Toenail pulled out because docter didnt put enough anestetic 3. Twisting ankle first time skate boarding, never tried it since 4. First time getting drunk off Hawkeye Vodka and getting alcohal poisoning 5. some other time I got alcohal poisoning
1. split my head open when i fell on the corner of a sharp table edge 2. fixing a cavity without anesthetic for about an hour 3. appendicitis 4. hit in the dick with a medicine ball 5. Doctor hit my kneecap with those small hammer things when it was bruised
1. Had cuts on my legs, went in a hot tub, bacteria infested my cuts and oozed 2. Slammed my kneecap through a floor vent 3. Got hit in the balls with a hard thrown football 4. Almost broke my tail bone snowboarding 5. Got a filling with almost no anesthetic
I'm sure I've had worse, but those are what come to mind.
My friend did the same thing. His scar isn't pretty.
kid threw a stick in the tire and i got stuck and flew over the handlebars, catching on the way by
2. Getting an Ingrown Toenail pulled out because docter didnt put enough anestetic
3. Twisting ankle first time skate boarding, never tried it since
4. First time getting drunk off Hawkeye Vodka and getting alcohal poisoning
5. some other time I got alcohal poisoning
2. Broken Wrist
3. Busted my lip when i fell onto the edge of a wooden bench
4. Sprained ankle
5. Cut my dick on my my bike.
2. fixing a cavity without anesthetic for about an hour
3. appendicitis
4. hit in the dick with a medicine ball
5. Doctor hit my kneecap with those small hammer things when it was bruised
2. Slammed my kneecap through a floor vent
3. Got hit in the balls with a hard thrown football
4. Almost broke my tail bone snowboarding
5. Got a filling with almost no anesthetic
I'm sure I've had worse, but those are what come to mind.
That's brutal! i'm gonna make a death metal song about that called silent killers or something
"5. Got a filling with almost no anesthetic"
sucks ass doesn't it? it hurt so fucking bad when they started drilling into my tooth and hit it with air
Yeah, I'll post pictures of the infected cuts if you want
"sucks ass doesn't it? it hurt so fucking bad when they started drilling into my tooth and hit it with air"
Yeah, the scraping part was the worst.