Well today I did a test run of installing Vanilla onto a website and I got it almost working. If I can figure it all out I'll purchase a domain. If I do that, I can get the exact same layout at the old forum too.
Well if I did this none of THIS forum's threads would be there. This would be a whole new website for the forum. But we would have wayyyyyyyy more freedom.
I'm not fucking anything up..I'm making a better forum. Don't you want an ACTUAL website? If I did this the website would be our OWN, not Vanilla's. I originally planned on doing this back when I made this forum, I just never had time to learn how. I planned on this place being temporary until I did it. I'm on summer vacation now and I have time to do it. I just taught myself how.
sounds good to me
"I agree, but I would love to have the complete control over the forum."
SO. You ARE an evil ruler! You DO want this whole forum under your control! This is undeniable evidence!
its fine
straight up
dont fuck this up