"I'm much better at history, although anthropology would be something I would love to do as a profession."
yeah im interested in that too. ive always loved history.
my good subjects would probably be math, history, and writing. science is great and really cool but it's too i'd say organized. i don't know its to much like a step-by-ste subject
what don't you understand? the fact that I could care less where I came from or the fact that I don't care about anthropology aka the study of human origin and social relations/ships?!
I read about it occasionally but it has never held my attention for very long. I love stories in history but could care less about the actual lineage.
"Me and my friend wanna open a hookah bar. The one we go to is always fucking packed to capacity and to be honest its not that great of a place. We wanted to do like live music and stuff to make it stand out more than the other palces in our area."
dude, me and my friends had the same idea, mostly cuz there aren't any really close to us.
RIGHT i was sitting there smoking and i was dude... i want donuts now.. and then i decided if there was a number i could call and due would bring me donuts i would do it SO much and waste all my money on it
yeah im interested in that too. ive always loved history.
my good subjects would probably be math, history, and writing. science is great and really cool but it's too i'd say organized. i don't know its to much like a step-by-ste subject
History (any type) and English were always cakewalks
What the fuck?
I don't even understand that.
I read about it occasionally but it has never held my attention for very long. I love stories in history but could care less about the actual lineage.
dude, me and my friends had the same idea, mostly cuz there aren't any really close to us.