In seriousness, they used to not. Their philosophy used to be "fuck you". But they've always offered mac and cheese, which could potentially be vegetarian depending on what you put in it.
and they recently started offering veggie burgers, but you have to order a burger with no meat topings then. They're still pretty "fuck you" about leaving things out or adding things to burgers.
Dude ky. They came out in the 60s and I was born in the 90s. Still hate myself for missing roger at wrigley. I don't expect you to know what I mean because you don't even go to shows around the corner. Won't even dignify your repsonse with a response.
and they recently started offering veggie burgers, but you have to order a burger with no meat topings then. They're still pretty "fuck you" about leaving things out or adding things to burgers.
we in this bitch
but in this case >
Ayo @trump what did your friend say about the show