As much shot as disturbed gets, and usually rightfully so, they're first album was pretty decent at the time and actually didn't sound like much that came out before it.. Most nu metal acts put out a good first album then got stuck in the fad trap the rest if their careers
Reasoning: Whether I want to admit it or not, Nu-Metal is over. Even though Limp Bizkit just signed with Cash Money. It is still very dead in the year of 2012. I was the biggest koRn and Limp Bizkit (still am). But they have lost it. There is no market for white dudes in backwards fitted or bands with 6 string guitars with bad singing. Con suggested that we use shake for this genre. As much as it hurts me, I agree. No need to waste some nicely trimmed purple nugs on this music. A bunch of joints of some Mexican brick weed shake should do the trick, seeds and stems in all. The below picture describes it perfectly.
Recommended Smoking Method: It doesn't matter at this point.
Avoid: Nothing. Nothing oculd be worse than listening to nu-metal while smoking Mexican brick weed. Believe me I know from experience."
Killswitch had one good album .. The end
are you shitting me?
Whiney ATG ripoffs > rap rock
aild live is prob better tho just cuz moshing
being in prison>nu
Recommended Strain: The Shake From Mexican Brick Weed
Reasoning: Whether I want to admit it or not, Nu-Metal is over. Even though Limp Bizkit just signed with Cash Money. It is still very dead in the year of 2012. I was the biggest koRn and Limp Bizkit (still am). But they have lost it. There is no market for white dudes in backwards fitted or bands with 6 string guitars with bad singing. Con suggested that we use shake for this genre. As much as it hurts me, I agree. No need to waste some nicely trimmed purple nugs on this music. A bunch of joints of some Mexican brick weed shake should do the trick, seeds and stems in all. The below picture describes it perfectly.
Recommended Smoking Method: It doesn't matter at this point.
Avoid: Nothing. Nothing oculd be worse than listening to nu-metal while smoking Mexican brick weed. Believe me I know from experience."