yeah but hardcore kids are faggots. I'll stay away from getting domed punched for no reason. George is a faggot for doing it. Lolno those are pussy Californians. Come to the midwest and say that.
Guess I'm not going to Pity Sex tomorrow. Dude who gave my friend the tickets told him he had two but when my friend called the venue to confirm the dude had transferred the tickets they told him it was just one. And the show is sold out. Oh well.
Walk into oncoming traffic while you're at it.
thanks for keeping my dick occupied while i umped.
Let Live isnt hardcore.
6/28 Alice Cooper
7/05 Agalloch
7/14 The Body/Thou
7/15 Ash Borer/Hell
7/18 Warped Tour
8/04 Power Trip/Mammoth Grinder
8/06 Summer Slaughter
8/9 Boris
8/15 Magrudergrind/YAITW
8/30 Morbid Saint/Vektor
10/31 Amon Amarth/Skeletonwitch
11/21 Arch Enemy/Kreator
12/5 Slayer/Exodus/Suicidal Tendencies
6/25 Tiger's Jaw/Pity Sex
6/27 Trash Talk
6/28 Ash Borer/Hell
7/2 Deafheaven (?)
7/17 WITTR/Dispirit (?)
8/21 Boris/Marriages
8/22 Usnea/Lycus
Not 100% on Deafheaven and I'm not gonna go to WITTR if the setlist is the new shit.
6/28 - Alice Cooper(?)
7/12 - Queen
7/18 - Machine Head
7/19 - Mayhem Fest
7/26 - Nine Inch Nails/Soundgarden/Death Grips
8/30 - Morbid Saint/Vektor
9/6-9/7 - Chill on the Hill
9/13 - Clutch
10/16 - Pearl Jam
10/21 - King Diamond(?)
10/31 - Amon Amarth/Skeletonowitch
11/8 - Motley Crue/Alice Cooper
11/20 - Arch Enemy/Kreator
12/5 - Slayer/Exodus/Suicidal Tendencies
Rex's upcoming show list...
King Diamond (?)
I completely agree.
Pissed the Slayer/Exodus/Suicidal Tendencies show isn't coming to IL. Yeah, IL sucks ass but way to many tours have been blowing us off lately.
Going to clutch...jelly of dat machine head and NIN show doe
looks like this will be the first year I skip mayhem fest.
6/25 - Planning For Burial
Guess I'm not going to Pity Sex tomorrow. Dude who gave my friend the tickets told him he had two but when my friend called the venue to confirm the dude had transferred the tickets they told him it was just one. And the show is sold out. Oh well.