9/16 - Saint Vitus, Weedeater, Sourvein, Loss 10/12 - Godspeed You! Black Emperor 11/12 - Lamb of God, In Flames, Hatebreed, Sylosis 11/20 - Municipal Waste, Napalm Death, Exhumed, Speedwolf
They usually have good lineups, the only year I've gone was 2 years ago, it was Chevelle, Cage The Elephant, ADTR, The Black Keys, against Me!, Paper Tongues, Finger eleven, sick Puppies, Switchfoot, and Neon Trees, oh and MCR headlined but i didn't watch them.
9/23 Down/Haarp/Warbeast 10/12 Hatebreed/Whitechapel/All Shall Perish 10/16 Converge/Torche(maybe) 11/4 Clutch 11/10 Dethklok, Machine Head, All That Remains, TBDM 11/14 Six Feet Under/Cattle Decapitation 11/16 Skeletonwitch/Havok/Mutilation Rites/Black Tusk/Red Fang 12/1 Lamb Of God/In Flames 12/18 ETID(maybe) Made it much more realistic
Uproar - 9/13 NuEra w/ Soulswitch and Love juice - 9/14 Strung Out - 9/15 (maybe) Paths Of Possession - 9/22 (maybe) For Today w/ Impending Doom, The Chariot, Texas In July and Hundredth - 10/11 Brutality w/ Ulcer and Must Not Kill (metal showcase) - 10/13 Death Angel w/ Threat Signal, Bonded By Blood and Wretched - 10/14 Morbid Angel w/ Dark Funeral and Grave - 10/21 (maybe) Miss May I w/ The Ghost Inside and Like Moths To Flames - 10/28 (maybe) Skeletonwitch w/ Havok - 11/8 Primus - 11/9 Lamb Of God w/ In Flames, Hatebreed and Sylosis - 11/19 The Sword w/ Gypsyhawk - 11/20 (maybe) Possessed - 11/30 Napalm Death w/ Municipal Waste, Exhumed and Speedwolf - 12/1 Dethklok w/ Machine Head, All That Remains and The Black Dahlia Murder - 12/4
I doubt I'll be able to make it to most of these due to class, work, and money, but:
9/22-Tyr/Moonsorrow 9/24-Katatonia 9/25-As I Lay Dying 10/26-Epica/Insomnium 10/31-Machine Head (Philly) 11/3-Machine Head (NYC) 11/17-Lamb of God (NYC) 11/24-Lamb of God (Philly) 12/20-Wintersun/Eluveitie
The promoters of the Within These Walls festival put off the announcement of the Day 1 lineup for two months because they claimed that "something epic had come up" and they wanted to "wait to announce it" which "could be at any minute." That was mid-July.
Got announced to day and it's definitely not worth the wait they created imo.
I'll still be going because I won tickets to both days, but I'm kind of disappointed in how they built it up.
9/16 - Saint Vitus, Weedeater, Sourvein, Loss
10/12 - Godspeed You! Black Emperor
11/12 - Lamb of God, In Flames, Hatebreed, Sylosis
11/20 - Municipal Waste, Napalm Death, Exhumed, Speedwolf
Rise Against
Silversun Pickups
Paper Tongues
A Day To Remember
Group Love
Imagine Dragons
The Joy Formidable
If this is real and it's reasonably cheap I'll go.
9/18 - Yob/Norska/Cormorant
9/20 & 9/21 - Within These Walls
9/28 - Marilyn Manson/Rob Zombie
9/30 - KFMA Fall Ball
10/5 - Circa Survive/Touche Amore/Balance And Composure/O'Brother
10/7 - Nightwish/Kamelot
10/15 - Morbid Angel/Dark Funeral/Grave
10/18 - Death Angel/Threat Signal/Wretched/Bonded By Blood
10/21 - Born of Osiris
10/22 - Melvins
10/23 - Impending Doom/The Chariot
10/27 - Korn
10/28 - Skeletonwitch/Havok/Mutilation Rites
10/29 - Septic Flesh/Krisiun/Melechesh/Ex Deo/Inquisition
10/30 - Converge/Torche/Kvelertak/Nails
10/31 - Earth
11/2 - GWAR/Devildriver/Cancer Bats/Legacy of Disorder
11/3 - Miss May I/The Ghost Inside/Like Moths To Flames
11/6 - Nachtmystium/Jarobe/Weapon
11/16 - Napalm Death/Municipal Waste/Exhumed/Attitude Adjustment
11/17 - Epica/Alestorm/Insomnium/System Divide
11/25 - Rush
12/14 - The Sword/Gypsyhawk/American Sharks
12/15 - The Sword/Gypsyhawk/American Sharks
A mix between Kamelot, Epica and Evanescence.
Or don't, your choice, i enjoy them.
11/17-Lamb of God (NYC)
11/24-Lamb of God (Philly)
10/12 Hatebreed/Whitechapel/All Shall Perish
10/16 Converge/Torche(maybe)
11/4 Clutch
11/10 Dethklok, Machine Head, All That Remains, TBDM
11/14 Six Feet Under/Cattle Decapitation
11/16 Skeletonwitch/Havok/Mutilation Rites/Black Tusk/Red Fang
12/1 Lamb Of God/In Flames
12/18 ETID(maybe)
Made it much more realistic
NuEra w/ Soulswitch and Love juice - 9/14
Strung Out - 9/15 (maybe)
Paths Of Possession - 9/22 (maybe)
For Today w/ Impending Doom, The Chariot, Texas In July and Hundredth - 10/11
Brutality w/ Ulcer and Must Not Kill (metal showcase) - 10/13
Death Angel w/ Threat Signal, Bonded By Blood and Wretched - 10/14
Morbid Angel w/ Dark Funeral and Grave - 10/21 (maybe)
Miss May I w/ The Ghost Inside and Like Moths To Flames - 10/28 (maybe)
Skeletonwitch w/ Havok - 11/8
Primus - 11/9
Lamb Of God w/ In Flames, Hatebreed and Sylosis - 11/19
The Sword w/ Gypsyhawk - 11/20 (maybe)
Possessed - 11/30
Napalm Death w/ Municipal Waste, Exhumed and Speedwolf - 12/1
Dethklok w/ Machine Head, All That Remains and The Black Dahlia Murder - 12/4
9/25-As I Lay Dying
10/31-Machine Head (Philly)
11/3-Machine Head (NYC)
11/17-Lamb of God (NYC)
11/24-Lamb of God (Philly)
9/20 & 9/21 - Within These Walls
9/28 - Marilyn Manson/Rob Zombie
9/30 - KFMA Fall Ball
10/5 - Circa Survive/Touche Amore/Balance And Composure/O'Brother
10/6 - Chevelle
10/7 - Nightwish/Kamelot
10/15 - Morbid Angel/Dark Funeral/Grave
10/18 - Death Angel/Threat Signal/Wretched/Bonded By Blood
10/21 - Born of Osiris
10/22 - Melvins
10/23 - Impending Doom/The Chariot
10/27 - Korn
10/28 - Skeletonwitch/Havok/Mutilation Rites
10/29 - Septic Flesh/Krisiun/Melechesh/Ex Deo/Inquisition
10/30 - Converge/Torche/Kvelertak/Nails
10/31 - Earth
11/2 - GWAR/Devildriver/Cancer Bats/Legacy of Disorder
11/3 - Miss May I/The Ghost Inside/Like Moths To Flames
11/6 - Nachtmystium/Jarobe/Weapon
11/16 - Napalm Death/Municipal Waste/Exhumed/Attitude Adjustment
11/17 - Epica/Alestorm/Insomnium/System Divide
11/25 - Rush
11/28 - Dethklok/Machine Head/All That Remains/The Black Dahlia Murder
12/14 - The Sword/Gypsyhawk/American Sharks
12/15 - The Sword/Gypsyhawk/American Sharks
Got announced to day and it's definitely not worth the wait they created imo.
I'll still be going because I won tickets to both days, but I'm kind of disappointed in how they built it up.