"Ghost adventures is hilarious to me. And how do you know it's scripted? It's only three dudes with cameras lol. Now Ghost Hunters...that's a different story <_>"
Shit, sorry. I was thinking of Paranormal State, which is written by the same fags who did Laguna Beach.
Ghost Hunters is actually real (but it really isn't as interesting as it used to be anymore)
Ghost Lab is the funniest damn thing I've ever seen because the investigators suck and are fucking retarded.
It isn't completely fake, but it's like everything is set up for the show
"The show is produced by Four Seasons Productions International and Go Go Luckey Productions (which produced MTV's Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County and Newport Harbor: The Real Orange County, and A&E's now-cancelled Rollergirls). Gary Auerbach and Julie Auerbach (who head Go Go Luckey Productions) and Betsy Schechter (Four Seasons) are the executive producers.[2][3]
The show was tentatively titled "Out There," "Dead Time" and "Paranormal U" before being called "Paranormal State."[2][4]
Every episode of the show is outlined by the production team first, co-executive producer Tina Gazzerro has stated, to ensure that a producible episode will result. "We try to identify where we get our discovery moments, our 'Ah-ha!' moments," Gazzerro told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Information about the event under investigation may also be held back from the students in order to create dramatic tension, and only situations which will have a conclusive outcome are investigated. "We may have information we don't give to [the PRS team]," Gazzerro said, "but we need to make sure [the episode is] produceable." Story arcs are also outlined for each "character" on the show, and the production team has publicly expressed its hope that a romantic relationship will develop between the research team leader Ryan Buell and one of the women on the series. The production team and the show's researchers say that no pressure is put on the research team to act in certain ways or make paranormal discoveries.[5]"
"Paranormal State has been the subject of several controversies such as whether the show is depicting real or faked paranormal activity, and whether the show is documentary or scripted entertainment.
In the episode entitled "School House Haunting," which first aired on January 28, 2008 the "client" whose home the team investigated was Shannon Sylvia, a cast member of another paranormal show, Ghost Hunters International. On January 29, 2008, Ryan Buell posted an entry to his blog on the Official Penn State Paranormal Research Society website concerning his view of psychics and, in particular, the inclusion of psychic Chip Coffey on the show.[23] In the comment section of the blog, several people questioned Sylvia's inclusion in the series, asking why a high-profile paranormal investigator would hire the Penn State Paranormal Research Society to investigate her property when she essentially has a team of her own. Later on she declared members of TAPS as well as other high profile investigators have indeed investigated her home and were pleased with the EVP results. Though, in his blog, Buell mentions that it was his visit which brought her into the study of the supernatural as an investigator herself.[24]
There has also been some speculation as to the fabrication of entire episodes on the website GhostTheory, after a family that appeared on the show came forward to voice their experiences working with the cast members.[25] However, it must be noted that the claim of falsification is solely based on opinion. The accusations made by the skeptics and the family (mainly a woman named Kelli) offer no hard facts. The article on GhostTheory is nothing more than testimony based on her word alone, thus making it a he-said/she-said debacle. One of her claims is that the two mediums on the show, Chip Coffey and Michelle Belanger, fought with each other throughout the entire investigation. On "Darkness Radio," both Chip and Michelle went on-air together to laugh off the claims as purely fictional. The community at large viewed this "controversy" as unreliable[26] and ultimately judged it as a publicity stunt from Kelli, who soon after tried to promote herself as a professional psychic. She and the author of the article were accused of lying in order to gain publicity, and both have since disappeared from the public light.
The website Paranormal State Illustrated dissects scenes and has revealed instances of fabrications, falsifications and misinformation presented on the show.[27]"
I want some jolt cola to go with that. Hell, I might even take some of those unfiltered cigarettes just for the hell of it. (according to the website they got all of that)
Isnt this the same place that has all you can eat fries?
"I want some jolt cola to go with that. Hell, I might even take some of those unfiltered cigarettes just for the hell of it. (according to the website they got all of that)"
Shit, sorry. I was thinking of Paranormal State, which is written by the same fags who did Laguna Beach.
Ghost Hunters is actually real (but it really isn't as interesting as it used to be anymore)
Ghost Lab is the funniest damn thing I've ever seen because the investigators suck and are fucking retarded.
its really scripted?
thats almost as bad as finding out freddie fish was a chick
"The show is produced by Four Seasons Productions International and Go Go Luckey Productions (which produced MTV's Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County and Newport Harbor: The Real Orange County, and A&E's now-cancelled Rollergirls). Gary Auerbach and Julie Auerbach (who head Go Go Luckey Productions) and Betsy Schechter (Four Seasons) are the executive producers.[2][3]
The show was tentatively titled "Out There," "Dead Time" and "Paranormal U" before being called "Paranormal State."[2][4]
Every episode of the show is outlined by the production team first, co-executive producer Tina Gazzerro has stated, to ensure that a producible episode will result. "We try to identify where we get our discovery moments, our 'Ah-ha!' moments," Gazzerro told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Information about the event under investigation may also be held back from the students in order to create dramatic tension, and only situations which will have a conclusive outcome are investigated. "We may have information we don't give to [the PRS team]," Gazzerro said, "but we need to make sure [the episode is] produceable." Story arcs are also outlined for each "character" on the show, and the production team has publicly expressed its hope that a romantic relationship will develop between the research team leader Ryan Buell and one of the women on the series. The production team and the show's researchers say that no pressure is put on the research team to act in certain ways or make paranormal discoveries.[5]"
"Paranormal State has been the subject of several controversies such as whether the show is depicting real or faked paranormal activity, and whether the show is documentary or scripted entertainment.
In the episode entitled "School House Haunting," which first aired on January 28, 2008 the "client" whose home the team investigated was Shannon Sylvia, a cast member of another paranormal show, Ghost Hunters International. On January 29, 2008, Ryan Buell posted an entry to his blog on the Official Penn State Paranormal Research Society website concerning his view of psychics and, in particular, the inclusion of psychic Chip Coffey on the show.[23] In the comment section of the blog, several people questioned Sylvia's inclusion in the series, asking why a high-profile paranormal investigator would hire the Penn State Paranormal Research Society to investigate her property when she essentially has a team of her own. Later on she declared members of TAPS as well as other high profile investigators have indeed investigated her home and were pleased with the EVP results. Though, in his blog, Buell mentions that it was his visit which brought her into the study of the supernatural as an investigator herself.[24]
There has also been some speculation as to the fabrication of entire episodes on the website GhostTheory, after a family that appeared on the show came forward to voice their experiences working with the cast members.[25] However, it must be noted that the claim of falsification is solely based on opinion. The accusations made by the skeptics and the family (mainly a woman named Kelli) offer no hard facts. The article on GhostTheory is nothing more than testimony based on her word alone, thus making it a he-said/she-said debacle. One of her claims is that the two mediums on the show, Chip Coffey and Michelle Belanger, fought with each other throughout the entire investigation. On "Darkness Radio," both Chip and Michelle went on-air together to laugh off the claims as purely fictional. The community at large viewed this "controversy" as unreliable[26] and ultimately judged it as a publicity stunt from Kelli, who soon after tried to promote herself as a professional psychic. She and the author of the article were accused of lying in order to gain publicity, and both have since disappeared from the public light.
The website Paranormal State Illustrated dissects scenes and has revealed instances of fabrications, falsifications and misinformation presented on the show.[27]"
Isnt this the same place that has all you can eat fries?
those smokes are badass..lmao...lucky strikes..