Because I want to get a gray-black tree on my back as well, and it would look better if it was all colorless, but since my one is already color, I gotta stick with color.
So, I'm thinking about getting a combination of these two drawings. The checkerboard set up in the one and the flower set up in the other, combined. Possibly on my ribcage. I want it on my forearm, but I probably shouldn't do that till I have a steady job after graduation. Of course, the final drawing that will be the tattoo will be WAY better than these.
Question for anyone here familiar with prices. I want this design done, but JUST the outline of the guy in a thin trace in black. It would be on my lower leg and about 3 1/2 inches in height. Any idea how much this would run?
i think its kinda clever
nice to see 4.5 hours of needles to the skin pays off
to be honest even if you guys didnt like it [how could you not like led zep?!] i wouldnt give a fuck haha