Nah. Dude I work with got his entire back done. Half of it is the same style flower. I thought it would have looked better without that but that's just my preference.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Really been thinking about gdtting a tat ever since that chick brought it up. Probably get something from floyd. Maybe something comfortably numb related :-?
Really been thinking about gdtting a tat ever since that chick brought it up. Probably get something from floyd. Maybe something comfortably numb related :-?
Well I "hated" the O.F. tattoo, but I must have been wrong about it because its getting covered up now. :-?? And I "hated" the Hip Hop tattoo, and said it was crooked as fuck and the lines were all jacked, but I must have again been wrong, again, because you went somewhere else to get it straightened up and the lines evened out. 8-}
Go back and read all my "hate" again and tell me I wasn't right. It's almost like all that "hate" was actually an expert opinion. Why mention how clean those lines are on the owl when you said the lines on the old tattoos were straight as well. Wasn't I just "hatin" when I said those lines looked like shit a year ago?
Also, I have said shit about your new tat... What does it matter if all I do is just hate on shit?
I find it funny that you find it funny that I haven't posted anything because I have actually posted my shit. )
My buddies dad is a lawyer and he once represented a dude that had fuck you tatted where his eyebrows were
I wouldn't have to tell people they got a shitty tattoo if people would just stop getting shitty tattoos.
Work with me people.
Funny how you've never posted even a single one of your tattoos, no matter how many people have asked.
Or are they too good for us mere mortals to witness? 8-|
And I "hated" the Hip Hop tattoo, and said it was crooked as fuck and the lines were all jacked, but I must have again been wrong, again, because you went somewhere else to get it straightened up and the lines evened out. 8-}
Go back and read all my "hate" again and tell me I wasn't right. It's almost like all that "hate" was actually an expert opinion. Why mention how clean those lines are on the owl when you said the lines on the old tattoos were straight as well. Wasn't I just "hatin" when I said those lines looked like shit a year ago?
Also, I have said shit about your new tat... What does it matter if all I do is just hate on shit?
I find it funny that you find it funny that I haven't posted anything because I have actually posted my shit.
Lmaooo they're literally fucking flawless. Kill yourself.
Go shut the garage doors, start moms car and sing along to a pop station for an hour or two.
He got ethered for 40 pages
Google... It's hard to use.