I will choose 1990-2005 over 2005-present. A few good things happen that will make me want to tune in, but not much. Over the course of the year I'll watch a few raws and no smackdowns. I was actually excited about watching Wrestlemania this year just because of 2-3 matches. The rest I didn't care about
The Attitude Era was the best time in professional wrestling. FACT.
I will take today over Kaientai chopping your peepee, or Mae Young giving birth to a hand. And Katie Vick
Uhh.. how about Austin, The Rock, Mankind, The Corporation, Ministry of Darkness, New Age Outlaws, DX, McMahon Helsmey Era.
Corporation and Ministry of Darkness were pretty bad, only saved by who was involved. New Age Outlaws weren't that great either.
You forget to mention Kurt Angle, The Radicals, Hardys, E&C, and Chris Jericho.
I just mentioned a few the ones you mentioned just help my point of view.
That all being said are you actually telling me that you would rather watch WWE now then WWF 1998-2002?
Honestly no, but only because the Women's and Tag Team titles are worthless now. I like today's wrestlers better than Attitude. The pay per views have clean finishes now instead of run ins, referee attacks, and pointless chair shots. And I would rather see wrestling when blood isn't involved.
Yeah, it was PG but it never had that feel. It does now. Imo professional wrestling should be PG-13 and it would be up to the parents if their kids can watch it. I also miss the Diva's being badasses ane beating up on the guys. Now they're mostly just drama queens and hair pullers
The Women's division is getting better now though. If Maria hadn't been injured last night we might have seen a good match because when she wasn't in the ring it wasn't bad at all.
I can respect that. As far as blood goes I don't think every match should have it. I just think it helps sell the brutality of said match. But now since there is no more head shots with chairs its a rarity.
I remember a few years ago when WWE was doing a strict no blood policy I think it was Shelton Benjamin vs Christian. Christian got accidentally cut open with a ladder shot and they legit stopped the match till they could cover it up and stop the bleeding. And from what I remember it wasn't a serious cut at all.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
I can respect that. As far as blood goes I don't think every match should have it. I just think it helps sell the brutality of said match. But now since there is no more head shots with chairs its a rarity.
I remember a few years ago when WWE was doing a strict no blood policy I think it was Shelton Benjamin vs Christian. Christian got accidentally cut open with a ladder shot and they legit stopped the match till they could cover it up and stop the bleeding. And from what I remember it wasn't a serious cut at all.
I do remember that, that was crappy of them to do. They are loosening it up though, you can tell with CM Punk, Rock, Cena, and Jericho doing mature storylines. I think banning chair shots to the head is a good idea, that causes concussions very easily. And Concussions have ended the careers of Bret Hart, and many others.
I can respect that. As far as blood goes I don't think every match should have it. I just think it helps sell the brutality of said match. But now since there is no more head shots with chairs its a rarity.
I remember a few years ago when WWE was doing a strict no blood policy I think it was Shelton Benjamin vs Christian. Christian got accidentally cut open with a ladder shot and they legit stopped the match till they could cover it up and stop the bleeding. And from what I remember it wasn't a serious cut at all.
I do remember that, that was crappy of them to do. They are loosening it up though, you can tell with CM Punk, Rock, Cena, and Jericho doing mature storylines. I think banning chair shots to the head is a good idea, that causes concussions very easily. And Concussions have ended the careers of Bret Hart, and many others.
I do miss a good chair shot to the head but it is a good thing they stopped them to protect the wrestlers.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
Yeah, concussions are bad. I just wish they didn't get so uptight with things. It adds to my disgust with how people/companies don't want to offend anyone these days or make people mad even if that may not be WWE's reason. People these days wheb they get offended or don't like what they see they end up complaining to companies and put pressure to ease up. Imo if you don't like it don't watch it and move along
And thats just 1999.
You forget to mention Kurt Angle, The Radicals, Hardys, E&C, and Chris Jericho.
People don't complain about Pixar movies being bad because they are PG.
I'm not complaining about the PG rating
But it does hold shit back imo
That all being said are you actually telling me that you would rather watch WWE now then WWF 1998-2002?
When I think professional wrestling I don't think PG.
I remember a few years ago when WWE was doing a strict no blood policy I think it was Shelton Benjamin vs Christian. Christian got accidentally cut open with a ladder shot and they legit stopped the match till they could cover it up and stop the bleeding. And from what I remember it wasn't a serious cut at all.