Whoa, I got teary eyed from the press conference, just seeing them so hurt. That's pure emotion right there. I gained a lot more respect for them just from watching that. Doesn't change my opinion on their Music, but still.
Chavey_The_Asshat 8:34pm Permalink I was in a gigantic Spit it Out jumping session. The crowd for the weekend was over 60,000..but idk if that is divided for the two days or both days had that many.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
"It's no coincidence a lot of the bands to make statements are on Roadrunner."
^well, duh
I thought you loved them...
This one has Corey's part in it...its not just cut off...
I was in a gigantic Spit it Out jumping session. The crowd for the weekend was over 60,000..but idk if that is divided for the two days or both days had that many.
Craig was to the right of chris and was partially obscured, right?