Just recently there was this horrible thing that happened. This boy and this girl were walking home in the dark and they saw a train coming. Being around here, almost all trains are freight trains, you never see an amtrack. Well it was, but they didn't know that and tried to beat it on foot. While they running, she panicks and stops, he says "I'll see you on the other side and then gets sucked under. She lost a leg, he was obliterated. There were over 200 cones on the ground for his remains supposedly. We had this train guy come into our school, he told us that he actually got to see the video from the train. I couldn't imagine watching it.
lol at the second one
Then you watch it again like "wtf? why did I watch it?"
Then I would say that computer's hecka cool.
Oh no, those were pics of some chick I found on the internet lol