The fourth one doesn't seem very smart to try, even if it's fake lol Because if something took control of my car, I'd be like "SHIT! FUCK!!! WTF DO I DO NOW??! *looks over a passenger* WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE BABY, WE'RE GONNA DIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE"
Yeah my thoughts exactly. We were supposed to do the motorcycle one last year but were a week late lol. And yeah, its not like "JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL" is "PISSED OFF DEMON GHOST TAKE THE WHEEL"
My sister's office was apart of the underground railroad back in the day. She always tells me weird shit happens in the basement..which is where the blacks used to hide out.
"1 - You turn you car off on railroad tracks, the kids that died there supposedly help by pushing your car off."
That one was totally ripped off by our ghost story here .Kids were on a bus going home and the bus stopped on the tracks due to the engine blowing and a train slammed into it killing everyone. You go to these tracks and put powder on the back of your car window and stop on the tracks and put the car in neutral. You sit there until you feel the car start moving forward. It's the little kids pushing your car out of the way so you wont meet the same fate as them. When you finally get off the tracks, get out of the car and look at the back window. Should be tiny hand prints from like 10 kids pushing your car. Shits crazy O_O
There's another story here that says if you park your car on some railroad track at night with the windows all fogged up you'll start to see the handprints of little kids on your windows.
1 - You turn you car off on railroad tracks, the kids that died there supposedly help by pushing your car off.
2 - This guy was beheaded while riding his motorcycle. You are supposed to see him riding by and crashing every year on the anniversary of his death.
3 - Something about a group of children dying, you park and hear a loud bang I guess.
4 - You go on this road and stop your car. Flash your lights then honk or some shit. Someone else takes control of your car.
I forget the last one...I haven't tried any yet. The first two are relatively close to me.
Because if something took control of my car, I'd be like "SHIT! FUCK!!! WTF DO I DO NOW??! *looks over a passenger* WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE BABY, WE'RE GONNA DIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE"
That one was totally ripped off by our ghost story here .Kids were on a bus going home and the bus stopped on the tracks due to the engine blowing and a train slammed into it killing everyone. You go to these tracks and put powder on the back of your car window and stop on the tracks and put the car in neutral. You sit there until you feel the car start moving forward. It's the little kids pushing your car out of the way so you wont meet the same fate as them. When you finally get off the tracks, get out of the car and look at the back window. Should be tiny hand prints from like 10 kids pushing your car. Shits crazy O_O
I guess everyone has their own "kids die on train tracks and will push your car off the tracks so you wont die" story <_>