I did some wiki reading just now. Portnoy used pretty much all the drum tracks Rev had ready...And apparently Rev sings on the album. Thats not going to be creepy at all on first listen.
Eternal rest is what got me hooked on them back in the day after I just randomnly picked up the waking the fallen cd and said who the hell is this? Eh I'll buy it. Didn't come out of my cd player for a year.
Anyway is the song on YouTube or anything so I can listen to it on my phone?
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
seems like he used pre written tracks from the rev and added his own touch to em. i like it
hes cleaner than the rev is..
never really gave them a good listen so is it true?
idk what it is about this song...but ever since it was released ive been in love with it...
i just dont know why...but its a awesome song...pretty badass vid too
Anyway is the song on YouTube or anything so I can listen to it on my phone?
try that