Marc.....the Celtics are going to be going into rebuilding mode, the Cavs may lose LeBron, and the Hawks aren't going anywhere with the team they have now. The East is wide open next season unless the Cavs re-sign LeBron. The only team that looks stable right now is the Magic, and how much longer can Vince Carter play...?
Um....Marc? We have only one less championship than you. Unlike your team, we had epic showdowns with teams like Boston and LA before your little Spurz even existed.
Yeah and that's what matters. No one cares about your Pistons from the 80's and older. Focus on the now and they aren't even a blimp in any radar ::animatedlaugh::
"Oh wow are you fucking me?"
You can dream about that...closest you'd get
That's not what you'll say tonight...
so cute with your 1 little championship.
Record doesn't mean anything. You all found out the hard way
Man, I just got uncomfortable through the internet when it wasn't even related to me. Well done sir, well done.
Well, no shit, that's all your team has. Lol.