Marc, you're just pissed that the Spurs got old and will never ever win a championship again, Tim's days of backboard abusing are over. You guys will be worse than the New Jersey Nets.
You know you will never see a championship in this decade Ed. The top east teams are too much for the Pistons and will never get passed Celtics,Magic,Cavs, and Hawks. Spurs are known to draft great players unknown players that turn into all-stars. We are k :]
Wade will go to the Pistons why do you think we got rid of Billups? Don't be mad when you see us with a championship again like we had in 04. Detroit's time is near LA will fall and Boston's big three will retire and LBJ will move on to a new team So poof...vamoose son of a bitch.
We kept most of the money for ourselves son. I'm not worried about the Pistons and neither should you, you should be worrying about your Spurs and where they will go after this heartbreaking loss. Everyone knows how dirty the Spurs play now that's why they can't win a game to save their lives.
I not worried at all :] I know my Spurs know what they are doing and so does everyone else. Jefferson will leave and that will free up cap room. I sure McDyess might leave along with Mason. Go after Dirk? maybe. It wouldn't surprise me if he would come here. Spurs don't play dirty you are lucky we don't play that awesome defense like we use to. you are lucky.
Dirk will never play for you shitty team and how the fuck the Spurs don't play dirty now you're just trolling. I'm glad the Suns got revenge on the Spurs after the Spurs cheated years ago to advance.
new center
All we need to drop everyone next season.
Yall got rid of Billups to get Iverson. Look how that worked out for you lolololol.
Just a little something something for you to watch
Now leave.