in mass, we get a form from our insurance company that we have to file with our taxes. so basically, if you can't afford your crappy insurance, you get less money in your tax returns. gotta love it
I know that when I quit here, I'm cashing in my 401K, so I know I'm going to have to pay a penalty on that. If it's not in 2011 taxes, it will be in 2012 taxes.
i am replacing my 2001 ford taurus with a 2000 Honda Civic. the Taurus is about to totally die and want to trade it in before it is totally worthless. The Civic has 75K miles on it and runs awesome. will be nice to be able to drive to work without worrying about the car dieing on the way. Problems with the Taurus: bad body rot rear of car, check engine light on, needs new tranny, needs new output speed sensor, needs exhaust fixed, needs new timing chain, leaks coolant, leaks oil.....yeah
New vehicles are always exciting. When I bought my Alero in college (it was a 99, I bought it in like 03), it was the nicest newest car I had owned and I wanted to live in it.
And I just arranged a date of sorts for Wednesday. It's not much of a date cuz we're just hanging out watching a movie, but it's a new person I'm trying to get to know. I'm excited and nervous at the same time.
uh oh....laurie just called me. her contractions have started. think they are braxton hicks, but still. i am taking the afternoon off to bring her to the dr's. hopefully she can wait till then
I know that when I quit here, I'm cashing in my 401K, so I know I'm going to have to pay a penalty on that. If it's not in 2011 taxes, it will be in 2012 taxes.
I'm glad it's Friday. Even though this was a short week at work, it seemed like it lasted forever!
and i pick up my new to me car after work today
gonna be a great day
And I may watch football this season. Someone explained it to me again, and I finally understand it this time.
And I just arranged a date of sorts for Wednesday. It's not much of a date cuz we're just hanging out watching a movie, but it's a new person I'm trying to get to know. I'm excited and nervous at the same time.
This should be interesting.
Have you guys ever had one?