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Rebirth of the Bored at work thread......are you?



  • GULCH_OF_ROTGULCH_OF_ROT Posts: 5,795 salt miner
    Smoking weed, attending a Daath show or two, and eating. I may try to get some time in playing with thte box my kids came in too. LOL


  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    got a kick in the balls from our great healthcare system in mass. My insurance rate is going up $100 a month in 2011. I am getting a $5000 deductable ($3500 in 2010) before anything is covered, and my HRA is going down from $1750 to $1000. Basically, we are paying more to have less coverage....and this is the model Obama is using for Obamacare....
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    Have a happy turkey day, andy
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    the case of the mondays.....
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    i have 5 people in offices around in the same conferance call, and all their doors are opened. all i am hearing is echoing voices. i am developing a migraine
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    god...i need to go on a business trip...
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    itz a monday. waiting for the Pats to spank the Jets tonight, then Soulfly tomorrow week :)
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    i had computer issues over the weekend, and the help desk didnt help me. i've been bitching to them all morning. nice having a help desk that doesn't help off hours
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    Andy....Soulfly kicked ass on tuesday night. If you have a chance, see them. Opener Incite was very good
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    If I have a chance I will definitely see them.
    But remember, I live in BFE.
    Ain't shit ever comes close to me.
    yeah, i keep on forgetting that even though you go to Chicago for shows, its a hike

  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    looks like pages are in block of 40. its the +1 where you have to say the words. for example, if there are 41, 81, 121, etc posts on a page, the next one will be new page
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    and this doesn't apply to old threads...thats why i have a negative rating. i tried getting points on old threads. i got called a necropheliac
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    I love winning with women
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    new papapapapapapage
    I love winning with women
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    btw...i had a dental cleaning yesterday. hygienist was concerned that my tonsils and back of my throat were swolen and red. she got the dentist, who look at me and asked "have you done any screaming / yelling in the last 24 hours?". i just laughed and said, "why yes, went to a metal show last night"
  • TheDevilsDreadsTheDevilsDreads Posts: 1,625 just the tip
    Happy Fryday all.

    Last period of school right now, we're on laptops. God damn, I'm bored. Got 100% on a debate I did in first period today on whether or not Marijuana should be legalized.

    I just wanna go home, get high, and play some Magic cards.
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    i leave work in about an hour, but know i will have to log in and work when i get home
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    weed should be legalized. its stupid that a natural plant is illegal

    as far as the BJ goes, i've had my boss call during one of those......hard to work, talk to the boss, and receive a BJ, all at the same time
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    im sure it was HARD :p
  • TheDevilsDreadsTheDevilsDreads Posts: 1,625 just the tip
    ^^^What's your take on the subject?^^^
    Should it be legalized or not?

    I assume since you just wanna go home and get high, that you are pro-legalization.

    But ya never know, cuz I know some growers that would love to see it stay illegal.

    If you ask me, should be fully legal in the same way beer is.
    I'm actually not sure. I found out some pretty interesting stuff. I think medically speaking it should be legal. Some people I know operate under the assumption that if they legalize it that ANYONE will be able to smoke, and that's not true at all, it's fucking rediculous to think that.

    In someways the legalization of marijuana would be huge boost to the economy especially with the worry of all the Baby Boomers retiring, the Canadian government is really worried about not having enough money circulation once they all retire. So taxing marijuana would totally pay for itself. At the same time we have to look at how people abuse it when it's illegal and compare it to other instances. After prohibition in the 20's more people drank, when they over turned prohibition more people started drinking, where as more people started smoking weed when the war on drugs started.

    I think it should be legalized and monitored because the potency of marijuana is 30x stronger than 30 years ago. If the government monitored the growing and distrubution of marijuana we would also worry less about whether or not it's laced with something else.

    I think there are various points for both sides. Marijuana has been proven to stop the spread of cancer, help glaucoma, help with nausea from cancer and AIDS, and smoking marijana actually makes your blood more oxygenated and therefore cleaner, it also makes your capillary arteries dilate allowing for increased bloodflow to the brain. These things would result in higher level thinking from amajority of people. However, theres actually more nicotine in marijuana than cigarettes, and THC from marijuana messes with you cannibinoid receptors, which monitors processes in your bodies like, judgement, pleasure, and prolonged/chronic exposure to marijuana will eventually change your brain chemistry because THC is so close to a chemical in your body called Endogenous Cannibinoids that it tricks your body, this could result in your body producing less endogenous cannibinoids than you need, or you make you physically dependant on marijuana.

    I think in comparison to alcohol and cigarettes, there's no argument, marijuana should be legalized, however looking at the effects of marijuana alone, it's kinda scary to think of the things it does to your body. Smoking marjiuana increases your heart rate 20-100% and dilation of the veins/artieries brings your blood pressure down, these together make you 5 times more likely to have a heart attack.

    I think it's stupid how we focus on a soft drug like marijuana and fight that, rather than focussing on heroin, cocaine, meth. Those are the killers not "reefer madness."
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