Anyone who's seen blackguard, can you tell me how they do their flutes, whistles, hurdy gurdies, or whatever else they use live? Idk if they're a band to play recorded stuff over the PA for shows
Are you thinking of Eluveitie? Cause the only instrument I saw with Blackguard that was any different was a keyboard.
Well I assumed they would use similar instruments as Eluveitie but yeah I youtubed it and it's just a keyboard. They're so awesome though. If MW was on the bill as well as Warbringer/Nevermore/Blackguard, that would be an amazing show
So much better? Nahhh. Mutiny Within has an awesome debut album and they kick ass live. I was really looking forward to seeing them but I'm glad I'll actually see a fold metal band live for the first time. Blackguard sounds really really awesome but I don't think the tour got that much better. I still stand by my statement that if Blackguard could have been added to the bill and MW didn't have this problem, it would be an awesome freaking tour
Anyone who's seen blackguard, can you tell me how they do their flutes, whistles, hurdy gurdies, or whatever else they use live? Idk if they're a band to play recorded stuff over the PA for shows
Even though you got the bands mixed up, if I remember right Eluveitie uses their instruments live instead of a recording.
I am hearing there will be a second Ozzy leg in January with Slash opening.