I had a dozen daschunds at one time when I was a little kid. We had a male and female and she gave birth to 10 pups in one litter. WOW. I love daschunds. Very loyal and quite fierce if need be.
Don't those things bite, or wrap around you or whatever?
LOL Just read this.
But no. It's a Hypo Red Tail Boa. Red Tail Boas are one of the most docile Snakes you can own. There's no such thing as a mean or aggressive snake. (Well no, I shouldn't say that, Green Anacondas, which CAN be owned as pets, are naturally aggressive, but that's besides the point.) Really, it takes stupidity, or just not paying attention to get bitten by a Snake. Never touch or hold them A) When they're about to shed. After you've handled their food without cleaning your hands (Mouse, Rat, Rabbit, Etc.) and C) After they've eaten. And I say there's no aggressive snakes because of the sole fact that snakes act purely on instinct. I've never been bitten by my snake (Which is a Ball Python.) Worst he's done is hiss at me, and struck at me once through the glass while I was feeding him. Also, a snake would have to be at least 15 Feet and 200 Pounds to consume a human. Which is why I will never own a Burmese Python or Reticulated Python, as they can both reach over 20 Feet and easily kill a Human. Although, I DO want a Super Dwarf Reticulated Python, which only reaches like 8 Feet. The Hypo Red Tail Boa I want can reach 10 Feet, but even then, it can't do serious damage to a Human. It can cause a very bloody and painful bite, yes, but still.
My willy last night..when he was trying to cheer me up :]
yea, i have two of these chilling in my pool
i named them fudge and brownie
LOL Just read this.
But no. It's a Hypo Red Tail Boa. Red Tail Boas are one of the most docile Snakes you can own. There's no such thing as a mean or aggressive snake. (Well no, I shouldn't say that, Green Anacondas, which CAN be owned as pets, are naturally aggressive, but that's besides the point.) Really, it takes stupidity, or just not paying attention to get bitten by a Snake. Never touch or hold them A) When they're about to shed.
That ain't true. I'm guessing you feed it dead, but feeding it live prey will make it much more irritable.
"I've never been bitten by my snake (Which is a Ball Python.)"
How long have you had it? I got bit by mine maybe three or four times through about 5 years. Doesn't hurt, but the Python might be a different story.