I watched Nightcrawler last night. It's ok. Jake Gyllenhaal plays a weirdo character who is really intense and stalker-like and creepy. It scored a good rate on IMBD but I just thought it was...meh
I watched Nightcrawler last night. It's ok. Jake Gyllenhaal plays a weirdo character who is really intense and stalker-like and creepy. It scored a good rate on IMBD but I just thought it was...meh
I was too hype for that movie and it fucking ruled all the way up to the end.
I don't really get why people are being so gay about new Star Wars shit. They haven't made a decent Star Wars movie since 1980 and the Abrams Star Trek movies were lame as fuck
I don't really get why people are being so gay about new Star Wars shit. They haven't made a decent Star Wars movie since 1980 and the Abrams Star Trek movies were lame as fuck
Because they got rid of the biggest roadblock to a good Star Wars movie - George Lucas
Seriously, those Star Trek movies are god-awful. Cumbersnatch as Kahn was a joke...having old Spock tudoring new Spock is gay as fuck...in no world is Kirk beating that version of Kahn...his angry punch for all the people Kahn killed made me laugh my ass off
The new trilogy sucked dick because George Lucas was in control of everything. JJ Abrams might not be better than Lucas but at least he is collaberating with other people who can challenge his ideas if they suck.
Dat Negative Zone doe :O
Movie looks awesome
People bitch about the prequel trilogy, but fuck you you know you still watch it [-(
And you know you're going to watch this trilogy too.