Wall Street and American hustle were overrated IMO .. I thought both would be better honestly..
The acting in both was fine but I just couldn't get into the story of either one really .. Like satan said Wall Street seemed too familiar and fat cat Wall Street people make me want to puke.. I'm almost pissed at Scorsese for even doing that story cuz you know the pos dicaprio character prolly is making money off this horseshit irl.. Can't even think about it without getting irate
No blasphemy here! The twist(not winter soldier twist) was awesome and pretty much altered the Marvel movieverse forever which I didn't see coming. It had a political thriller, action, drama, emotion, and more. It hit everything spot on. Winter Soldier was so bad ass and is probably one of the better comic villains to be played on screen next to Ledger's Joker. I just Winter Soldier had more screen time cause the dude was menacing.
Pretty sure Avengers: Age of Ultron is going to blow every thing away though.
Movie killed
Only issue I had with it was that it was really 'Goodfellas'ish. DiCaprio even kinda acted like Liotta a good bit
Just watched 'Blow'
Not really a fan of Johnny Dep but I love this movie. Mostly cuz it's all about cocaine, but still...
Blow ^:)^ even if the ending isn't how it really happened...also ky depps had a lot of good calls
Just saw it. I concur. \m/
Yeah plz ky
Nigga please. This is like the 3rd time I've seen Blow.
It's like one of the only movies I have seen recently. Most movies that come out nowadays are fucking retarded.
Wall Street was very good, but it's not for the sensitive.
Wall Street and American hustle were overrated IMO .. I thought both would be better honestly..
The acting in both was fine but I just couldn't get into the story of either one really .. Like satan said Wall Street seemed too familiar and fat cat Wall Street people make me want to puke.. I'm almost pissed at Scorsese for even doing that story cuz you know the pos dicaprio character prolly is making money off this horseshit irl.. Can't even think about it without getting irate
Actually he's in trouble with the law about not paying taxes on the money he got for the movie rights
that makes me feel aittle better
I just feel like the characters were one dimmensional and not memorable at all. I felt like falling asleep halfway through.
I thought it was funny as fuck