Marc fueling dat hype train. Man Of Steel was decent...I'd go as far as calling it good. Its a slow burn at first and I dont like how they handled Clark's early years but it picked up toward the middle. Not gonna lie one part near the end made my jaw drop. Very shocking for a superhero movie. I think they set up for a sequel pretty well.
Marc fueling dat hype train. Man Of Steel was decent...I'd go as far as calling it good. Its a slow burn at first and I dont like how they handled Clark's early years but it picked up toward the middle. Not gonna lie one part near the end made my jaw drop. Very shocking for a superhero movie. I think they set up for a sequel pretty well.
Dem easter eggs doe ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^
Come on nigga. You know they cant dive that far into his early years in 2 and a half hours. I thought they did great with the flashbacks.
Also that jaw dropping part has so many nerds fucking pissed )
Dem easter eggs doe ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^
Also that jaw dropping part has so many nerds fucking pissed
Wish they wouldn't have shown the Emma Watson one in the trailer