That's about it. Not much of a baseball fan. I'll check the standings every week or two during the season, and watch maybe 4 games in teh summer but that's about it. I determined my favorite baseball team after a rough thought process....they were my second T-ball team haha. Phillies were my first, but they we sucked and I didn't want that memory as a young lad.
That being said, the whole thing that brought me here was the Phillies score. I clicked on ESPN and saw they lost 1-0 and went to click box score...before I could I thought "Watch it be one of those anticlimatic games that starts out with a run and then nothing all the way to the end." Well look at that, I'm a wizard.
hey george.your team with the best staff ever couldn't make it past a shitty ass team...suck on these symmetrical ballz sackz
Rex be hatin hard. You better worry about the trigers yo... And for the record the cards don't suck, they're pretty solid all around.... Good luck against the Rangers.
1. White Sox
That's about it. Not much of a baseball fan. I'll check the standings every week or two during the season, and watch maybe 4 games in teh summer but that's about it. I determined my favorite baseball team after a rough thought process....they were my second T-ball team haha. Phillies were my first, but they we sucked and I didn't want that memory as a young lad.
That being said, the whole thing that brought me here was the Phillies score. I clicked on ESPN and saw they lost 1-0 and went to click box score...before I could I thought "Watch it be one of those anticlimatic games that starts out with a run and then nothing all the way to the end." Well look at that, I'm a wizard.
Good luck against the Rangers.