i listened to it a little but it would never change the fact that springsteen is better. Springsteen is the epitome of rock n roll music. he put his heart and soul in every track and was one of the hardest workers in the music industry. he surrounded himself with the most talented band that had ever graced rock n roll. he is straight to the point and speaks very truthful while also adding a layer of fantasy and sentimentalism. Give me music that goes straight to the boneinstead of over elaborate experimentalism any day.
i listened to it a little but it would never change the fact that springsteen is better. Springsteen is the epitome of rock n roll music. he put his heart and soul in every track and was one of the hardest workers in the music industry. he surrounded himself with the most talented band that had ever graced rock n roll. he is straight to the point and speaks very truthful while also adding a layer of fantasy and sentimentalism. Give me music that goes straight to the boneinstead of over elaborate experimentalism any day.
blah blah blah. you're just closeminded man. Springsteen straight to the bone music doesnt have shit on anything Floyd has ever done. Floyd is one of the most influential bands of all time. Their songs are great, well written and well put together and well performed. Springsteen is good, but to compare the two is ridiculous. it's like comparing Tool to Greenday, theyre just not even on the same level.
If you listened to Animals, you'd have a different opinion. If you watched the Pulse DVD, you'd have a different opinion. I've never met anyone who has listned to either of those 2 and said "nah, Sprigsteen is better". lol. I already tried to tell you that Darkside of the Moon and The Wall aren't even close to Pink Floyd's best shit, and I'm pretty sure that's all you heard. I gave you advice on good Floyd shit to listen to and you havent. If you aren't willing to open your ears and be open minded, then there's no reason to argue anymore about it.
Springsteen vs. The Kinks
george this one bruce song is better than every floyd song combined
If you listened to Animals, you'd have a different opinion. If you watched the Pulse DVD, you'd have a different opinion. I've never met anyone who has listned to either of those 2 and said "nah, Sprigsteen is better". lol. I already tried to tell you that Darkside of the Moon and The Wall aren't even close to Pink Floyd's best shit, and I'm pretty sure that's all you heard. I gave you advice on good Floyd shit to listen to and you havent. If you aren't willing to open your ears and be open minded, then there's no reason to argue anymore about it.
Exhorder vs tbdm