I've seen and heard more then enough of her to formulate a legit opinion on her. Also I can't watch the videos on my phone and it doesn't even show there is a video.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
LMFAO! alot of you are such fuckin gullible noob dumb shits, I'm pretty sure Magson is only doing this to piss you all off and it's working and I love it! Santana please GTFO! you're such a faggot who thinks you have a good taste in music, you're just as mainstream, you listen to Three Days Grace faggot and they're ten times more pussy music than Lady Gaga! lol whats funny is that every other metal forum out there knows about this place and knows how easy it is to piss you guys off, not saying everyones like this but there are a few who will just fall for anything and it makes me lul my testicles off
Lady Gaga>>>>>>Three days Grace Lady Gaga>>>>>>Suicide Silence (i kinda like them but still) Lady Gaga>>>>>>Breaking Benjamin Lady Gaga>>>>>>Slipknot Lady Gaga>>>>>>HIM Lady Gaga>>>>>>Anal Cunt Lady Gaga>>>>>>Skillet (sorry Magson but it's true) Lady Gaga>>>>>>Five Finger Death Punch Lady Gaga>>>>>>The Devil Wears Prada Lady Gaga>>>>>>As I Lay Dying Lady Gaga>>>>>>Stone Sour Lady Gaga>>>>>>Corey "pussy" Taylor in general
Lady Gaga Iron Maiden Slayer Carcass Cannibal Corpse Katy Perry Dying Fetus Toxic Holocaust Skeletonwitch 3 Inches of Blood Goatwhore Gunther and the Sunshine Girls
gaga > everything
i dont think so sir!
lady gaga already 1ups you!!
the video Marc posted clearly shows that she's a talented singer
Lady Gaga>>>>>>Three days Grace
Lady Gaga>>>>>>Suicide Silence (i kinda like them but still)
Lady Gaga>>>>>>Breaking Benjamin
Lady Gaga>>>>>>Slipknot
Lady Gaga>>>>>>HIM
Lady Gaga>>>>>>Anal Cunt
Lady Gaga>>>>>>Skillet (sorry Magson but it's true)
Lady Gaga>>>>>>Five Finger Death Punch
Lady Gaga>>>>>>The Devil Wears Prada
Lady Gaga>>>>>>As I Lay Dying
Lady Gaga>>>>>>Stone Sour
Lady Gaga>>>>>>Corey "pussy" Taylor in general
all troofs
Lady Gaga
Iron Maiden
Cannibal Corpse
Katy Perry
Dying Fetus
Toxic Holocaust
3 Inches of Blood
Gunther and the Sunshine Girls
now that would be the greatest show on earth!!
I can't condone this one. lol