Think of it like when you started working out. At first it probably sucked and was hard to stay motivated but with a strong mind you persevered. Same thing with smoking stay strong willed. You don't need that shit
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
It really isn't that hard to resist from my experience
Which is why you're still smoking, right?
I said the same thing before actually trying to quit. "I'm barely addicted, this'll be easy to quit.". Until now, when I'm actually trying to say no is when you feel the addiction and realize it's bad. It's like I literally got a voice screaming at me to smoke and tryna tempt me. I'm shaky just because the thought of fighting it is driving me apeshit right now.
It really isn't that hard to resist from my experience
Which is why you're still smoking, right?
I said the same thing before actually trying to quit. "I'm barely addicted, this'll be easy to quit.". Until now, when I'm actually trying to say no is when you feel the addiction and realize it's bad. It's like I literally got a voice screaming at me to smoke and tryna tempt me. I'm shaky just because the thought of fighting it is driving me apeshit right now.
I only smoke when I get drunk or go to a show because of the hordes or people everywhere. I never have a craving for one and can go extremely long periods of time without one. Now I'm not trying to justify why I still smoke sometimes but just stating the few reasons why I do. I've never had the whole withdrawal thing happen to me where I go nuts cuz I can't have one in the morning or other similar bs
Which is why you're still smoking, right?
I said the same thing before actually trying to quit. "I'm barely addicted, this'll be easy to quit.". Until now, when I'm actually trying to say no is when you feel the addiction and realize it's bad. It's like I literally got a voice screaming at me to smoke and tryna tempt me. I'm shaky just because the thought of fighting it is driving me apeshit right now.