when I took this manager position at work it came with a shitty .50 cents an hour raise. Which is what ever...I just mostly want the title on my résumé....but I just found out that a guy who put in his 2 weeks the same time I got promoted got the same raise as me to I have 2 times as much responsibility as him and more experience then anyone I work just makes me feel unappreciated...It may be a shitty job but I put in 100% into everything I do. I'm loyal, not missed a day and rarely ever been late...and this is the second person since Iv been there that got a raise cause I threatened to quit...Iv never been in this situation before so Im terrified of fucking it up. Idk if I should just straight up tell them I think it's bullshit or just keep putting in work...( the guy is a hard as fuck worker and deserved every bit of the raise hit I feel that because I handle way more responsibility I should still get paid more)
..Iv just never been in this position before...and I always fuck up when I do something Iv never done..I just gotta figure out how to word it and say it right...cause if I don't have it planned out I will just say what's on my mind and that's a horrible idea
Wish people would leave me alone on my break. I obviously don't wanna talk to you
I hate it when people walk up as I'm leaving for lunch and are like "I know you're on your lunch, but I just got this one thing I need you to check on"
Yeah I'm hoping to turn the job I have now into a better one....Iv worked customer service for about seven years now and had never accepted a manergerial position until this job so I'm hoping the title helps me in future job searches
I'm a manager...but we ain't got supervisors
That "one thing" usually takes 45 minutes
Retail. Customers are beat.