I'm considering leaving Target for another job, even though I only planned to stay with them one more year until I graduate
Four years with them, they tell me I'm a top performing employee and they want to keep me, then they give me my raise without performance consultation or notifying me in any way...
That's what you think...If you are an everyday smoker it can stay in your urine longer than 28 days. Also if you think you're just gonna drink alot of water..thing again..they will fail the test saying it is diluted. And if it is a good company willing to spend the money on a hair test..that test positive for 3 months. No golden root seal or any of that shit works anymore. Test are very advanced now. You can work out all you want...That doesn't clean you.
I'm considering leaving Target for another job, even though I only planned to stay with them one more year until I graduate
Four years with them, they tell me I'm a top performing employee and they want to keep me, then they give me my raise without performance consultation or notifying me in any way...
and it's 30 cents
I think I'm out.
I dipped out of Target fast as hell. Couldn't do it anymore.
In that whole time Ive had ONE guest complaint against me and its because she was an idiot upset that we didnt have the tools to unbolt the plexiglass iPad cover <_>
I show up to work on time every day, smile, do tasks correctly and quickly. I have never been given any indication of being terminated or laid off, and they give me a thirty cent raise. A whole four cents higher than my last one.
I hope you get a chance to spot some hairy beavers :>
:> :> :> :> :>
Four years with them, they tell me I'm a top performing employee and they want to keep me, then they give me my raise without performance consultation or notifying me in any way...
and it's 30 cents
I think I'm out.
at least it was better than fucking 5 cents <____________________________>
In that whole time Ive had ONE guest complaint against me and its because she was an idiot upset that we didnt have the tools to unbolt the plexiglass iPad cover <_>
I show up to work on time every day, smile, do tasks correctly and quickly. I have never been given any indication of being terminated or laid off, and they give me a thirty cent raise. A whole four cents higher than my last one.
Whatever. Im gonna start looking around.