Obituary are one of those bands that would've benefitted from just laying low after their first breakup. When these bands get to where they only have like 1 or 2 original members, they usually run out of steam and just end up going through the motions. The last 2 albums I heard from them were bland as fuck
But yeah Obituary, Deicide, and Paths Of Possession play shows here every few months it seems, I just wish Morbid Angel and Suffocation would come back. And the shows are always 10-15.
I only prefer 70s if I'm doin something outside where is sweat balls like basketball or something.. If I'm just chillin the hotter the better get my tan on B-)
so theres this tuffed capuchin monkey at the zoo named Pixie and she catches popcorn when you throw it to her shes cute and she has no teeth so her little tongue sticks out :P theres a video of her catching popcorn that i was throwing i think on my friend Cats phone
But yeah i get what you mean.
woooooooo im excited
its gonna get 90+ today probably
shes cute and she has no teeth so her little tongue sticks out :P
theres a video of her catching popcorn that i was throwing i think on my friend Cats phone