well they were toting some guy out of a van out front and the only reason I looked up was because people were making a commotion and the guy surounded by three MGM officials looked just like the douche. big sign out on the 15 that says hes doing some dj set this weekend too.
well they were toting some guy out of a van out front and the only reason I looked up was because people were making a commotion and the guy surounded by three MGM officials looked just like the douche. big sign out on the 15 that says hes doing some dj set this weekend too.
Even Pauly D doesn't want to look like he came from Jersey anymore )
honestly, its grown into just a funny thing once a phantom flagger, always a phantom flagger lol not so phantom anymore obv anyway i feel like me and Wine have like a little inside joke now lol
honestly, its grown into just a funny thing once a phantom flagger, always a phantom flagger lol not so phantom anymore obv anyway i feel like me and Wine have like a little inside joke now lol
Those lols make me wanna slowly punch each individual tooth out of your mouth and stomp your chinchilla while I watch you cry. It's not, and never was, a funny thing. You're the only one laughing at your little joke, and it's fucking pathetic. You're not funny, you're not cute, you're not clever. End your fucking life.
she's stuck in Jerzee
This is what i got lol
My dad knows AiC has been one of my favorite bands for years. He cant stand them so he rips on me for it every chsnce he gets.
once a phantom flagger, always a phantom flagger lol
not so phantom anymore obv
anyway i feel like me and Wine have like a little inside joke now lol
Those lols make me wanna slowly punch each individual tooth out of your mouth and stomp your chinchilla while I watch you cry. It's not, and never was, a funny thing. You're the only one laughing at your little joke, and it's fucking pathetic. You're not funny, you're not cute, you're not clever. End your fucking life.