honestly doe, my point was that I personally download TONS of shit SIMPLY cause it's free....I snagged the new Lacuna album for free....It's ok, but if I were unable to get it without BUYING it, There's no way in hell I'd pay 10 bucks for it....There ARE dozens of musicians/groups that I DO pay for the privilege of hearing their work, as I believe in investing in an artist....Moreover, There are literally dozens of NEW artists/groups that I NEVER would have supported financially if I hadn't initially had unfettered (in this case free) access to their work...How many bands have we found simply by seeing album artwork and saying "that looks cool, let's see what they sound like"?
they just sue the idiots that use torrent sites right
No they sue idiots who download shit on open torrent sites. Are you downloading music from kickasstorrents, thepiratebay, demonoid (RIP), isohunt, etc? Then expect to get lawsuit warnings. I download from very private sites where membership is very difficult to get. It adds a level of security.
I personally purchase more media then your average person. I probably buy on average 20-30 CD's per year. I'm just done with buying an album because I heard a song I liked, only to find out that the rest of the album is garbage. Fuck that. So I download everything... it goes on my ipod. If I love it 3 weeks later then I add it to my list of albums to buy. If not then it gets deleted from my ipod in time. I understand that this is still considered copyright infringement but I have no real moral qualms against it. I am supporting artist that make good music and not supporting artist that make shitty music. Bottom line is I can't afford to purchase 300 shitty albums per year. But I can purchase 30. So I download 300 and listen and if I like then one of the 300 gets added to my list of 30.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
For music there are only a couple secure sites and I wouldnt recommend either of them for you. They are incredibly hard to maintain a good sharing ratio especially if you like metal. I mean they have everything in really high quality formats, but you need to be a seasoned sharer to keep membership. Honestly I dont think this is for you.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
For TV shows I have the best site. They have everything and they have no ratio requirements. Download as much as you like whenever you like. The only thing is they have minimum seed times. So if you download an episode you need to share it back for 1 day in the next two weeks. If it is a season pack then you need to share it back for idk... maybe 3 days or something. It's in the rules. I will totally invite you to this site, when I can... Which should be soon. PM me your email where you would like the invite to go to.
I can also invite you to some good movie sites.... The sites I can invite you too have minimum seed requirements and you have to maintain a ratio (ie... if you download 1 GB then you need to upload 1GB to be in good standings). These sites are really easy to maintain ratio with as they have a whole lot of free content. One site in particular is going to have their yearly birthday celebration soon (like in the next 3-4 weeks) and the entire site will be free leech... If you download everything you want during that freeleech and then seed what you downloaded for a few weeks then you will be set for life on the site. Are you interested?
Note :
freeleech means that when you download a file that is say 4GB, that file does not count against your download.
2x upload means if you are seeding a torrent then you get double the upload credit for everything you upload. Upload 1GB shows up as uploading 2GB.
Seeding means you leave a torrent in your client so other people that are members of this site can download parts of the file from you.
they just sue the idiots that use torrent sites right
No they sue idiots who download shit on open torrent sites. Are you downloading music from kickasstorrents, thepiratebay, demonoid (RIP), isohunt, etc? Then expect to get lawsuit warnings. I download from very private sites where membership is very difficult to get. It adds a level of security.
I personally purchase more media then your average person. I probably buy on average 20-30 CD's per year. I'm just done with buying an album because I heard a song I liked, only to find out that the rest of the album is garbage. Fuck that. So I download everything... it goes on my ipod. If I love it 3 weeks later then I add it to my list of albums to buy. If not then it gets deleted from my ipod in time. I understand that this is still considered copyright infringement but I have no real moral qualms against it. I am supporting artist that make good music and not supporting artist that make shitty music. Bottom line is I can't afford to purchase 300 shitty albums per year. But I can purchase 30. So I download 300 and listen and if I like then one of the 300 gets added to my list of 30.
good thing those bands suck or i could be under the bus too
anyway, IMO, these days it seems like DIY is the way to go, but i wouldn't know.
I personally purchase more media then your average person. I probably buy on average 20-30 CD's per year. I'm just done with buying an album because I heard a song I liked, only to find out that the rest of the album is garbage. Fuck that. So I download everything... it goes on my ipod. If I love it 3 weeks later then I add it to my list of albums to buy. If not then it gets deleted from my ipod in time. I understand that this is still considered copyright infringement but I have no real moral qualms against it. I am supporting artist that make good music and not supporting artist that make shitty music. Bottom line is I can't afford to purchase 300 shitty albums per year. But I can purchase 30. So I download 300 and listen and if I like then one of the 300 gets added to my list of 30.
I can also invite you to some good movie sites.... The sites I can invite you too have minimum seed requirements and you have to maintain a ratio (ie... if you download 1 GB then you need to upload 1GB to be in good standings). These sites are really easy to maintain ratio with as they have a whole lot of free content. One site in particular is going to have their yearly birthday celebration soon (like in the next 3-4 weeks) and the entire site will be free leech... If you download everything you want during that freeleech and then seed what you downloaded for a few weeks then you will be set for life on the site. Are you interested?
Note :
freeleech means that when you download a file that is say 4GB, that file does not count against your download.
2x upload means if you are seeding a torrent then you get double the upload credit for everything you upload. Upload 1GB shows up as uploading 2GB.
Seeding means you leave a torrent in your client so other people that are members of this site can download parts of the file from you.