ATTN Gears fans, Gears of War 3's Executive Producer Rod Fergusson appeared on the latest edition of GT.TV to announced the final Gears of War 3 map pack entitled "Forces of Nature". As outlined on the show, each map is set either in the middle of, or amidst the aftermath of, a natural disaster in order to fit with the theme. The show featured footage of the 3 brand-new maps (Aftermath, Artillery, and Cove) and 2 remakes (Jacinto and Raven Down) that will be included in the DLC, which is coming on March 27, 2012, but we also reached out to the devs to get official descriptions right here on Side Mission which you can read below:
• AFTERMATH – Aftermath is a government park after a tsunami. There is seaweed and wreckage everywhere, and the main play space sits under a huge cargo ship which was deposited on top of a building during the storm. The area floods and quakes during gameplay, as the whole thing is teetering on the edge of falling into the water below. This has gameplay implications as it is difficult to aim during the quakes, and difficult to be stealthy while splashing through the water.
• ARTILLERY – Artillery starts out looking like an ordinary military base, but during gameplay a storm kicks up. Lightning begins to flash on the horizon and eventually a tornado develops and sweeps near the play space. Dust and debris are kicked up making it difficult to see, and the buffeting winds can mask your approach.
• COVE – Cove is a small port that the Stranded have taken over and turned into a little village. The map is very open with long lines of sight, but there is a really, really heavy layer of fog that masks just about everything. There’s a really nice sniper nest inside a central ship, but the sniper’s form is silhouetted by the low angle light shining through the fog.
• JACINTO – Jacinto was a beautiful city, but huge stalks have popped up through the buildings and flooded the entire area with imulsion. Half of the map is dead and crumbling, with imulsion fumes hanging in the air. To make matters worse, the drizzle that is present when a match begins quickly develops into a heavy rain storm that impedes visibility and lines of sight as water starts sheeting off the buildings.
• RAVEN DOWN – Raven Down is a very small crossroads that is blanketed in a blinding snow storm. A Raven helicopter has crashed in the storm, and crashed through an elevated train on its way down, so there’s train wreckage to deal with as well. The snowstorm ebbs occasionally, but is more often so heavy that it’s difficult to see more than a few meters ahead at any given time.
In addition to the maps, Fergusson revealed to GT.TV that the DLC will include a few Easter Eggs of sorts – four special weapons hidden in the maps called “Elemental Cleavers”. As an example of what you can expect, you'll be able to locate a “snow cleaver” that can gust an icy breeze at an enemy and stun them from a distance or an “emulsion cleaver” that explodes on impact and does a small amount of AOE burning damage to nearby enemies (in addition to the normal cleaver damage). Also, there are Achievements tied to these weapons for anyone that can find these cleavers and get 25 kills with them in Horde or Beast mode.
Lastly, Epic let us know that those of you who purchase this DLC will get 4 new character models (pictured above – including the never-before-seen "Savage Hunter" on the far right) and 5 new weapon skins for immediate use, and 2 additional weapon skins (that were designed based on community feedback) that can only be unlocked through gameplay in the 'Forces of Nature' DLC which, again, is scheduled to land on Xbox Live in late March.
tl;dr - epic remaking Raven Down and Jacinto + 3 new maps + 4 "new" characters
For close to 30 years thrash metal pioneers Megadeth have wowed listeners with their brutal yet melodic sound, recording a number of platinum records and selling out arenas worldwide. On February 21st, “Megadeth Pack 01” brings three of the band’s tracks to the Rock Band Music Store.
1992’s Countdown to Extinction was an instant hit, debuting at #2 on the Billboard charts, thanks in part to the strong single “Symphony of Destruction,” the first track in this three pack of headbangers. The second track in the pack is “À Tout le Monde,” from Megadeth’s sixth studio album, 1994’s Youthanasia. This collection is rounded out by “Public Enemy No. 1” from the band’s latest record, 2011’s TH1RT3EN.
"This is an awesome game and fans get to play a cross-section of our best songs ever," said Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine. "I am going to have to learn my songs all over again!" These three tracks add to an ever-growing library of Megadeth’s music that's playable in Rock Band; their classic records Peace Sells… but Who’s Buying? and Rust in Peace are also available for download in their entirety on the Rock Band Music Store. The band is currently touring North America, headlining the traveling festival Gigantour alongside Motörhead, Volbeat, and Lacuna Coil.
• Megadeth - "Symphony of Destruction" X • Megadeth - "À Tout le Monde" • Megadeth - "Public Enemy No. 1"
Here are the Rock Band Network songs that hit the Xbox 360 on Thursday, 2/16/2012:
Indie Rock
Richard Snow - "Lonesome Cowboy" (160 MSP)
A Plea for Purging - "Heart Of A Child (2x Bass Pedal)" (80 MSP) Anarchy Club - "King of Everything" (80 MSP) Chaotrope - "The Thief in the Night - Part II" (80 MSP) Engel - "Calling Out" (160 MSP) Halcyon Way - "Rise to Revise" (80 MSP) Halcyon Way - "Rise to Revise (2x Bass Pedal)" (80 MSP) Machinae Supremacy - "Rocket Dragon" (160 MSP) Mystic Syntax - "Give" (80 MSP) Raggedy Angry - "Easter Island Radiation" (80 MSP) Strikken - "Machine" (80 MSP) Strikken - "Machine (2x Bass Pedal)" (80 MSP)
Rishloo - "Weevil Bride" (80 MSP)
SIMPL3JACK - "Song for Meg" (80 MSP) Ultra Vomit - "Je Collectionne des Canards (Vivants)" (160 MSP)
Look Left - "Put Out the Fire" (80 MSP) Trucker Diablo - "Drink Beer, Destroy" (160 MSP)
And here are the PS3 RBN Releases for Tuesday, 2/21/2012 (North America) and Wednesday, 2/22/2012 (Europe):
Jonathan Coulton ft. Sara Quin - "Still Alive" ($1.99) - Rock Powerman 5000 - "V is for Vampire" ($1.99) - Nu-Metal Solution .45 - "Lethean Tears" ($0.99) - Prog Bankai - "The Epic, Part 3.7 (RBN Remix)" ($0.99) - Pop/Dance/Electronic After the Burial - "My Frailty" ($1.99) - Metal
Dragon Ball Z Kinect Game May Be Heading To The Xbox 360
Namco Bandai may be gearing up to release a Dragon Ball Z game for Microsoft's Kinect. Siliconera spotted Dragon Ball Z Kinect on Korea's Game Rating Board. An official announcement has not been made but I know enough about both DBZ and the Kinect to know I'm going to need to work on my Kamehameha stance. I'm confident I can pull off fusion or special beam cannon though.
Do you think Dragon Ball Z will be fun on the Kinect?
Don't forget these: hater, faggot, salty, suck my dick, ignorant, cunt, sad, pathetic, obsessed, and moar!
Anyways I would def play that DBZ game. I also don't know if this is old news but a pic surfased that shows a very possible TMNT game in the future under Activision
ATTN Gears fans, Gears of War 3's Executive Producer Rod Fergusson appeared on the latest edition of GT.TV to announced the final Gears of War 3 map pack entitled "Forces of Nature". As outlined on the show, each map is set either in the middle of, or amidst the aftermath of, a natural disaster in order to fit with the theme. The show featured footage of the 3 brand-new maps (Aftermath, Artillery, and Cove) and 2 remakes (Jacinto and Raven Down) that will be included in the DLC, which is coming on March 27, 2012, but we also reached out to the devs to get official descriptions right here on Side Mission which you can read below:
• AFTERMATH – Aftermath is a government park after a tsunami. There is seaweed and wreckage everywhere, and the main play space sits under a huge cargo ship which was deposited on top of a building during the storm. The area floods and quakes during gameplay, as the whole thing is teetering on the edge of falling into the water below. This has gameplay implications as it is difficult to aim during the quakes, and difficult to be stealthy while splashing through the water.
• ARTILLERY – Artillery starts out looking like an ordinary military base, but during gameplay a storm kicks up. Lightning begins to flash on the horizon and eventually a tornado develops and sweeps near the play space. Dust and debris are kicked up making it difficult to see, and the buffeting winds can mask your approach.
• COVE – Cove is a small port that the Stranded have taken over and turned into a little village. The map is very open with long lines of sight, but there is a really, really heavy layer of fog that masks just about everything. There’s a really nice sniper nest inside a central ship, but the sniper’s form is silhouetted by the low angle light shining through the fog.
• JACINTO – Jacinto was a beautiful city, but huge stalks have popped up through the buildings and flooded the entire area with imulsion. Half of the map is dead and crumbling, with imulsion fumes hanging in the air. To make matters worse, the drizzle that is present when a match begins quickly develops into a heavy rain storm that impedes visibility and lines of sight as water starts sheeting off the buildings.
• RAVEN DOWN – Raven Down is a very small crossroads that is blanketed in a blinding snow storm. A Raven helicopter has crashed in the storm, and crashed through an elevated train on its way down, so there’s train wreckage to deal with as well. The snowstorm ebbs occasionally, but is more often so heavy that it’s difficult to see more than a few meters ahead at any given time.
In addition to the maps, Fergusson revealed to GT.TV that the DLC will include a few Easter Eggs of sorts – four special weapons hidden in the maps called “Elemental Cleavers”. As an example of what you can expect, you'll be able to locate a “snow cleaver” that can gust an icy breeze at an enemy and stun them from a distance or an “emulsion cleaver” that explodes on impact and does a small amount of AOE burning damage to nearby enemies (in addition to the normal cleaver damage). Also, there are Achievements tied to these weapons for anyone that can find these cleavers and get 25 kills with them in Horde or Beast mode.
Lastly, Epic let us know that those of you who purchase this DLC will get 4 new character models (pictured above – including the never-before-seen "Savage Hunter" on the far right) and 5 new weapon skins for immediate use, and 2 additional weapon skins (that were designed based on community feedback) that can only be unlocked through gameplay in the 'Forces of Nature' DLC which, again, is scheduled to land on Xbox Live in late March.
tl;dr - epic remaking Raven Down and Jacinto + 3 new maps + 4 "new" characters
1992’s Countdown to Extinction was an instant hit, debuting at #2 on the Billboard charts, thanks in part to the strong single “Symphony of Destruction,” the first track in this three pack of headbangers. The second track in the pack is “À Tout le Monde,” from Megadeth’s sixth studio album, 1994’s Youthanasia. This collection is rounded out by “Public Enemy No. 1” from the band’s latest record, 2011’s TH1RT3EN.
"This is an awesome game and fans get to play a cross-section of our best songs ever," said Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine. "I am going to have to learn my songs all over again!" These three tracks add to an ever-growing library of Megadeth’s music that's playable in Rock Band; their classic records Peace Sells… but Who’s Buying? and Rust in Peace are also available for download in their entirety on the Rock Band Music Store. The band is currently touring North America, headlining the traveling festival Gigantour alongside Motörhead, Volbeat, and Lacuna Coil.
• Megadeth - "Symphony of Destruction" X
• Megadeth - "À Tout le Monde"
• Megadeth - "Public Enemy No. 1"
Here are the Rock Band Network songs that hit the Xbox 360 on Thursday, 2/16/2012:
Indie Rock
Richard Snow - "Lonesome Cowboy" (160 MSP)
A Plea for Purging - "Heart Of A Child (2x Bass Pedal)" (80 MSP)
Anarchy Club - "King of Everything" (80 MSP)
Chaotrope - "The Thief in the Night - Part II" (80 MSP)
Engel - "Calling Out" (160 MSP)
Halcyon Way - "Rise to Revise" (80 MSP)
Halcyon Way - "Rise to Revise (2x Bass Pedal)" (80 MSP)
Machinae Supremacy - "Rocket Dragon" (160 MSP)
Mystic Syntax - "Give" (80 MSP)
Raggedy Angry - "Easter Island Radiation" (80 MSP)
Strikken - "Machine" (80 MSP)
Strikken - "Machine (2x Bass Pedal)" (80 MSP)
Rishloo - "Weevil Bride" (80 MSP)
SIMPL3JACK - "Song for Meg" (80 MSP)
Ultra Vomit - "Je Collectionne des Canards (Vivants)" (160 MSP)
Look Left - "Put Out the Fire" (80 MSP)
Trucker Diablo - "Drink Beer, Destroy" (160 MSP)
And here are the PS3 RBN Releases for Tuesday, 2/21/2012 (North America) and Wednesday, 2/22/2012 (Europe):
Jonathan Coulton ft. Sara Quin - "Still Alive" ($1.99) - Rock
Powerman 5000 - "V is for Vampire" ($1.99) - Nu-Metal
Solution .45 - "Lethean Tears" ($0.99) - Prog
Bankai - "The Epic, Part 3.7 (RBN Remix)" ($0.99) - Pop/Dance/Electronic
After the Burial - "My Frailty" ($1.99) - Metal
Dragon Ball Z Kinect Game May Be Heading To The Xbox 360
Namco Bandai may be gearing up to release a Dragon Ball Z game for Microsoft's Kinect. Siliconera spotted Dragon Ball Z Kinect on Korea's Game Rating Board. An official announcement has not been made but I know enough about both DBZ and the Kinect to know I'm going to need to work on my Kamehameha stance. I'm confident I can pull off fusion or special beam cannon though.
Do you think Dragon Ball Z will be fun on the Kinect?
Anyways I would def play that DBZ game. I also don't know if this is old news but a pic surfased that shows a very possible TMNT game in the future under Activision
It's awesome cause servers are still up and a lot of people still play online haha.