apparently i'm nominated for Homecoming King this year _-_
What's a homecoming king? And are the nominated homecoming queens all hotties?
some cermonial hocus pocus thingy for the homecoming dance coming up. I dont really know all the queens nominated. there were like 15 dudes, and 15 girls nominated, then the top 5 of those will move on to another vote.
dood a viking homecoming king would be b0$$
ahhh yeaa \m/
So is it quite a big thing then? And do you have to be like quite a top football player to be nominated?
its not THAT big a deal. and i have no idea how you get nominated. i'm not in football, i'm not in any clubs, i have decent grades, and i'm not that popular among the "popular" crowd, so i have no clue how my name got on that list. probably someone pulling some sick joke. lol
I'll tell you what grinds my gears...........seeing stupid ass religious posts on FB about how much someone loves god/jesus/allah/vishnu/tooth fairy/bigfoot/ect and getting constant positive comments.
Thank the lord I have a non-religious group I can hangout with at school every week. It's nice to be around like minded people for a change.
My house and my town are gone. Obama declared it a disaster zone. Shitty.
That really really sucks more than most people can understand. I remember my house got flooded and almost completely destroyed as a kid. The water almost reached up to the kitchen (it flooded the basement and was coming up the steps). I was only a lil kid but I remember my lil tykes plastic chair floating down the street into the river and thinking, "I want that back, why can't I go get it?" We owned the house and it was insured so it worked out but we had serious mold problems in the basement since then.
I'm not entirely sure if this grinds my gears, or floats my boat. On one hand, it grinds my gears because it's so fucking bad that it's making me mad, and I wanna rock this typical fucking Hypebeast faggot in his jaw, but then again, it's so bad, it's fucking hilarious.
And do you have to be like quite a top football player to be nominated?
its not THAT big a deal. and i have no idea how you get nominated. i'm not in football, i'm not in any clubs, i have decent grades, and i'm not that popular among the "popular" crowd, so i have no clue how my name got on that list. probably someone pulling some sick joke. lol
it ruins my night
now im crying because i think my dogs gonna die
Thank the lord I have a non-religious group I can hangout with at school every week. It's nice to be around like minded people for a change.