Ok, so basically we got China, France, India, Israel, Pakistan, Russia, the UK and US, with nukes, we got about 26,00 more than anybody else, whatever, so one day we decide those Chinese sons of a bitches are going down, so we launch a nuke at China, while it's on it's way China's like "shit, shit, who the fuck is shooting us? Oh well fire missiles!", then the French is like "Shit guys, they are coming, fire our shit! But I am le tired, well have a nap, THEN FIRE THE MISSILES", meanwhile Australia is down there like "wtf mate?", India, Israel and Pakistan launch their shit so now we gotten missiles flying everywhere, passing eachother, Russia's like "AAAAHHH MOTHERLAND", then England's like "Bout that time eh chap? Right o'", now the US is like "fuck we're dumbasses", Canada's like "What's going on eh?", Australia's still like "wtf?", Mars is laughing at us, and some huge meteor is like "well fuck that". So now we got nuclear winter, everyone's dead except for Australia, and they're still like "wtf?", but they'll be dead soon, fucking kangaroos. But, assuming we don't blow ourselves up, us Californians just have to worry about California breaking off from the United States, to go hang with Hawaii, Alaska can come too, THE END.
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EDIT: never mind.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
but great nostalgia moment.
hahahaha that line made me spit my drink out