Grammy-winning U.S. rock band Kings of Leon cut short their concert last night in St. Louis after a pigeon dropping landed in bassist Jared Followill's mouth, the Riverfront Times reported today.
The band walked off stage at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater after playing just three songs.
The house lights came on a few minutes later, and a venue employee announced that "due to concerns over the band's safety, we are canceling the show. Please file out in an orderly fashion."
Kings of Leon drummer Nathan Followill took to Twitter to respond to messages from fans upset at the cancellation.
“So sorry St. Louis. We had to bail,” he wrote, explaining that the show was stopped because a pigeon had defecated in Jared Followill’s mouth.
“Too unsanitary to continue,” he added.
Later, he blamed the venue for the incident and apologized to fans who had traveled to see the band.
The bassist for opening band the Postelles was also hit with bird droppings during their performance, but they managed to finish their set.
Concert promoters Livenation issued a statement shortly after the incident Friday night offering refunds on all tickets.

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What a fucking diva
Cyndi Lauper had the same thing happen to her live and she just kept on singing and shit...
I just don't get what possesses someone to be that damn weak...