No, Islam on its own is not bad MC. Overall, it's, in a sense, based around peace. Sure it's narrow minded and intolerant to other religions but what organized religion isn't? It's the radicals that are fucked in the head. They're using it all as a scapegoat because Islam is already hated and already an easy target. There's no where in the Quran where it says blowing yourself up = go to heaven.
The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.
Oh, I'm sorry you ignorant white bread prick, am I walking around preaching Islam at motherfuckers or killing infidels in the name of Allah? No, I'm not so go fuck yourself. You want to have an adult conversation we can, but I'm not feeding a racist so suck my fat Islamic cock
Oh, I'm sorry you ignorant white bread prick, am I walking around preaching Islam at motherfuckers or killing infidels in the name of Allah? No, I'm not so go fuck yourself. You want to have an adult conversation we can, but I'm not feeding a racist so suck my fat Islamic cock
Agree though, it is incompatible with Western culture.
I dont mean Islam itself is violent. I mean that Islam itself is incompatible. Even normal, well meaning, refugees struggle to accept our values. Its why you got Linda Sarsour trying to convince people Sharia is a good thing.
No Sharia law is fucked, I agree. But you're not seeing that from like stabilized Muslims in the U.S. You're seeing that in radical middle eastern shithole or from people migrating from there to here, currently.
Oh, I'm sorry you ignorant white bread prick, am I walking around preaching Islam at motherfuckers or killing infidels in the name of Allah? No, I'm not so go fuck yourself. You want to have an adult conversation we can, but I'm not feeding a racist so suck my fat Islamic cock
Naaa..fuck you twice you sand nigger fuck
You wish. Educate yourself, fool. Don't believe everything you see. It's comical that you're a grown man who can't comprehend the difference between a small percentage of radical dick heads and millions living in the U.S. going about their day to day lives and contributing to society. Keep sitting in front of the TV and saying "Baaaaa"
Oh I know. I also want to say I separate "Islam" into religion, and political systems. The religion is bad like how any religion is bad. Its the political system that is really fucked, and conditions the people in those areas. Sure it uses religion to control people, but its really the politics that are shitty. The theocracy.
The middle east in the, like,60s and 70s were lit, and they were still Muslim nations
Oh, I'm sorry you ignorant white bread prick, am I walking around preaching Islam at motherfuckers or killing infidels in the name of Allah? No, I'm not so go fuck yourself. You want to have an adult conversation we can, but I'm not feeding a racist so suck my fat Islamic cock
Naaa..fuck you twice you sand nigger fuck
You wish. Educate yourself, fool. Don't believe everything you see. It's comical that you're a grown man who can't comprehend the difference between a small percentage of radical dick heads and millions living in the U.S. going about their day to day lives and contributing to society. Keep sitting in front of the TV and saying "Baaaaa"
DOn't put words in my mouth.....I just posted what islam teaches....It's not a fucking lie
Oh, I'm sorry you ignorant white bread prick, am I walking around preaching Islam at motherfuckers or killing infidels in the name of Allah? No, I'm not so go fuck yourself. You want to have an adult conversation we can, but I'm not feeding a racist so suck my fat Islamic cock
Naaa..fuck you twice you sand nigger fuck
You wish. Educate yourself, fool. Don't believe everything you see. It's comical that you're a grown man who can't comprehend the difference between a small percentage of radical dick heads and millions living in the U.S. going about their day to day lives and contributing to society. Keep sitting in front of the TV and saying "Baaaaa"
DOn't put words in my mouth.....I just posted what islam teaches....It's not a fucking lie
Right. I remember the page in the Quran where Allah came down and called us all sand niggers.
Oh, I'm sorry you ignorant white bread prick, am I walking around preaching Islam at motherfuckers or killing infidels in the name of Allah? No, I'm not so go fuck yourself. You want to have an adult conversation we can, but I'm not feeding a racist so suck my fat Islamic cock
Naaa..fuck you twice you sand nigger fuck
You wish. Educate yourself, fool. Don't believe everything you see. It's comical that you're a grown man who can't comprehend the difference between a small percentage of radical dick heads and millions living in the U.S. going about their day to day lives and contributing to society. Keep sitting in front of the TV and saying "Baaaaa"
DOn't put words in my mouth.....I just posted what islam teaches....It's not a fucking lie
Right. I remember the page in the Quran where Allah came down and called us all sand niggers.
I remember when Obi-Wan said that. "Sand niggers travel in single file to hide their numbers"
so's fucking embarassing
The middle east in the, like,60s and 70s were lit, and they were still Muslim nations
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)