Was supposed to work 12-close. Got there early. Worked 11-close. Closed and meet up with old ass buddy and his fiance. 80 dollar tab. Walk home and took a tab. Did I skip 5 hours or a day idk
Acen is over. Gotta go straight to work. I drank so much I bypassed having fun and being happy, and got to next level "I really fucking hate myself" depression. Its going to be elevated later today when that pcd sets in.
Me and 5 other guys killed 4 cases of beer, 2 cases of soju, a bottle of jager, bottle of heny, two bottles of whisky, a bottle of mcgulicuddys, 10 gallons of jungle juice, a bottle of capt morgan cocoblast, a bottle of Rumchata, a bottle of malibu, misc other shots in other rooms, and ourselves in 3 days lol
What's not dope is the dude that puked on my leg during Atilla today. Still don't know if that was due to what he ate or what he was listening to.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)