My bike is definitely too small for you. My brother is 6'4" and he feels squished. I'm 6'0" and it's perfect.
I just got my motorcycle license today. The only 3 questions I missed were about alcohol and I dont even drink.Time to find a sick bike on craigslist
What kind of bike are you looking for? Something in particular? Or something that fits within a price range?
I still don't know a whole lot about bikes so I'm just looking at anything cheaper than 3k. I rode my first motorcycle a couple weeks ago, I'm only really used to riding dirtbikes so getting a street legal enduro would be pretty sick but I'm open to anything in my price range.
I thought I had an ear infection about a year ago. Went to the doctor, turned out I just needed my ears cleaned. Best feeling in the world. You hear so much better.
Flashforward to a few months ago. New girl tenant comes to Knox. She's an audiologist, and specializes in making custom earplugs and cleaning ears. Everyone thinks shes hot, other tenants hit on her. She comes to front desk to ask if she can leave flyers around to advertise. This is the first time Ive seen/met her. Im like "sure". She explains she cleans ears... I then proceed to explain the above story, and go off on how its the best feeling in the world, and how much better you hear, and how much wax was in my ears, and how I wear earplugs so the wax gets compacted in my ears.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Texas Toast Chainsaw Massacre was my vote
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Flashforward to a few months ago. New girl tenant comes to Knox. She's an audiologist, and specializes in making custom earplugs and cleaning ears. Everyone thinks shes hot, other tenants hit on her. She comes to front desk to ask if she can leave flyers around to advertise. This is the first time Ive seen/met her. Im like "sure". She explains she cleans ears... I then proceed to explain the above story, and go off on how its the best feeling in the world, and how much better you hear, and how much wax was in my ears, and how I wear earplugs so the wax gets compacted in my ears.
Havent seen her since.